Campanario, F., Czyz, H., Gluza, J., Gunia, M., Riemann, T., Rodrigo, G., et al. (2014). Complete QED NLO contributions to the reaction e(+)e(-) -> mu(+)mu(-)gamma and their implementation in the event generator PHOKHARA. J. High Energy Phys., 02(2), 114–27pp.
Abstract: KLOE and Babar have an observed discrepancy of 2% to 5% in the invariant pion pair production cross section. These measurements are based on approximate NLO mu(+)mu(-)gamma cross section predictions of the Monte Carlo event generator PHOKHARA7.0. In this article, the complete NLO radiative corrections to mu(+)mu(-)gamma production are calculated and implemented in the Monte Carlo event generator PHOKHARA9.0. Numerical reliability is guaranteed by two independent approaches to the real and the virtual corrections. The novel features include the contribution of pentagon diagrams in the virtual corrections, which form a gauge-invariant set when combined with their box diagram partners. They may contribute to certain distributions at the percent level. Also the real emission was complemented with two-photon final state emission contributions not included in the generator PHOKHARA7.0. We demonstrate that the numerical influence reaches, for realistic charge-averaged experimental setups, not more than 0.1% at KLOE and 0.3% at BaBar energies. As a result, we exclude the approximations in earlier versions of PHOKHARA as origin of the observed experimental discrepancy.
Campanario, F., Czyz, H., Gluza, J., Jelinski, T., Rodrigo, G., Tracz, S., et al. (2019). Standard model radiative corrections in the pion form factor measurements do not explain the a(mu) anomaly. Phys. Rev. D, 100(7), 076004–5pp.
Abstract: In this paper, we address the question of whether the almost four standard deviations difference between theory and experiment for the muon anomalous magnetic moment a(mu) can be explained as a higher-order Standard Model perturbation effect in the pion form factor measurements. This question has, until now, remained open, obscuring the source of discrepancies between the measurements. We calculate the last radiative corrections for the extraction of the pion form factor, which were believed to be potentially substantial enough to explain the data within the Standard Model. We find that the corrections are too small to diminish existing discrepancies in the determination of the pion form factor for different kinematical configurations of low-energy BABAR, BES-III and KLOE experiments. Consequently, they cannot noticeably change the previous predictions for a(mu) and decrease the deviations between theory and direct measurements. To solve the above issues, new data and better understanding of low-energy experimental setups are needed, especially as new direct a(mu) measurements at Fermilab and J-PARC will provide new insights and substantially shrink the experimental error.