NEXT Collaboration(Alvarez, V. et al), Carcel, S., Cervera-Villanueva, A., Diaz, J., Ferrario, P., Gil, A., et al. (2013). Operation and first results of the NEXT-DEMO prototype using a silicon photomultiplier tracking array. J. Instrum., 8, P09011–20pp.
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NEXT Collaboration(Gomez-Cadenas, J. J. et al), Alvarez, V., Carcel, S., Cervera-Villanueva, A., Diaz, J., Ferrario, P., et al. (2014). Present Status and Future Perspectives of the NEXT Experiment. Adv. High. Energy Phys., 2014, 907067–22pp.
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NEXT Collaboration(Alvarez, V. et al), Carcel, S., Cervera-Villanueva, A., Diaz, J., Ferrario, P., Gil, A., et al. (2014). Description and commissioning of NEXT-MM prototype: first results from operation in a Xenon-Trimethylamine gas mixture. J. Instrum., 9, P03010–22pp.
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NEXT Collaboration(Renner, J. et al), Alvarez, V., Carcel, S., Cervera-Villanueva, A., Diaz, J., Ferrario, P., et al. (2015). Ionization and scintillation of nuclear recoils in gaseous xenon. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 793, 62–74.
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HADES Collaboration(Agakishiev, G. et al), Diaz, J., & Gil, A. (2015). Study of the quasi-free np -> np pi(+)pi(-) reaction with a deuterium beam at 1.25 GeV/nucleon. Phys. Lett. B, 750, 184–193.
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