Binosi, D., Chang, L., Ding, M. H., Gao, F., Papavassiliou, J., & Roberts, C. D. (2019). Distribution amplitudes of heavy-light mesons. Phys. Lett. B, 790, 257–262.
Abstract: A symmetry-preserving approach to the continuum bound-state problem in quantum field theory is used to calculate the masses, leptonic decay constants and light-front distribution amplitudes of empirically accessible heavy-light mesons. The inverse moment of the B-meson distribution is particularly important in treatments of exclusive B-decays using effective field theory and the factorisation formalism; and its value is therefore computed: lambda(B) = (zeta = 2GeV) = 0.54(3) GeV. As an example and in anticipation of precision measurements at new-generation B-factories, the branching fraction for the rare B -> gamma (E-gamma)l nu(l) radiative decay is also calculated, retaining 1/m(B)(2), and 1/E-gamma(2) corrections to the differential decay width, with the result Gamma(B -> gamma l nu l) /Gamma(B) = 0.47 (15) on E-gamma > 1.5 GeV.
Gao, F., & Oldengott, I. M. (2022). Cosmology Meets Functional QCD: First-Order Cosmic QCD Transition Induced by Large Lepton Asymmetries. Phys. Rev. Lett., 128(13), 131301–6pp.
Abstract: The lepton flavor asymmetries of the Universe are observationally almost unconstrained before the onset of neutrino oscillations. We calculate the cosmic trajectory during the cosmic QCD epoch in the presence of large lepton flavor asymmetries. By including QCD thermodynamic quantities derived from functional QCD methods in our calculation, our work reveals for the first time the possibility of a first-order cosmic QCD transition. We specify the required values of the lepton flavor asymmetries for which a first-order transition occurs for a number of different benchmark scenarios.
Gao, F., Papavassiliou, J., & Pawlowski, J. M. (2021). Fully coupled functional equations for the quark sector of QCD. Phys. Rev. D, 103(9), 094013–25pp.
Abstract: We present a comprehensive study of the quark sector of 2 + 1 flavor QCD, based on a self-consistent treatment of the coupled system of Schwinger-Dyson equations for the quark propagator and the full quark-gluon vertex in the one-loop dressed approximation. The individual form factors of the quark-gluon vertex are expressed in a special tensor basis obtained from a set of gauge-invariant operators. The sole external ingredient used as input to our equations is the Landau gauge gluon propagator with 2 + 1 dynamical quark flavors, obtained from studies with Schwinger-Dyson equations, the functional renormalization group approach, and large volume lattice simulations. The appropriate renormalization procedure required in order to self-consistently accommodate external inputs stemming from other functional approaches or the lattice is discussed in detail, and the value of the gauge coupling is accurately determined at two vastly separated renormalization group scales. Our analysis establishes a clear hierarchy among the vertex form factors. We identify only three dominant ones, in agreement with previous results. The components of the quark propagator obtained from our approach are in excellent agreement with the results from Schwinger-Dyson equations, the functional renormalization group, and lattice QCD simulation, a simple benchmark observable being the chiral condensate in the chiral limit, which is computed as (245 MeV)(3). The present approach has a wide range of applications, including the self-consistent computation of bound-state properties and finite temperature and density physics, which are briefly discussed.
Tang, C., Gao, F., & Liu, Y. X. (2019). Practical scheme from QCD to phenomena via Dyson-Schwinger equations. Phys. Rev. D, 100(5), 056001–16pp.
Abstract: We deliver a scheme to compute the quark propagator and the quark-gluon interaction vertex through the coupled Dyson-Schwinger equations (DSEs) of QCD. We take the three-gluon vertex into account in our calculations, and implement the gluon propagator and the running coupling function fitted by the solutions of their respective DSEs. We obtain the momentum and current mass dependence of the quark propagator and the quark-gluon vertex, and the chiral quark condensate that agrees with previous results excellently. We also compute the quark-photon vertex within this scheme and give the anomalous chromo- and electromagnetic moment of the quark. The obtained results are excellently consistent with previous ones. These applications manifest that the scheme is realistic and then practical for explaining the QCD-related phenomena.