Wieduwilt, P., Paschen, B., Schreeck, H., Schwenker, B., Soltau, J., Ahlburg, P., et al. (2021). Performance of production modules of the Belle II pixel detector in a high-energy particle beam. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 991, 164978–15pp.
Abstract: The Belle II experiment at the Super B factory SuperKEKB, an asymmetric e(+) e(-) collider located in Tsukuba, Japan, is tailored to perform precision B physics measurements. The centre of mass energy of the collisions is equal to the rest mass of the gamma (4S) resonance of m(gamma(4S)) = 10.58 GeV. A high vertex resolution is essential for measuring the decay vertices of B mesons. Typical momenta of the decay products are ranging from a few tens of MeV to a few GeV and multiple scattering has a significant impact on the vertex resolution. The VerteX Detector (VXD) for Belle II is therefore designed to have as little material as possible inside the acceptance region. Especially the innermost two layers, populated by the PiXel Detector (PXD), have to be ultra-thin. The PXD is based on DEpleted P-channel Field Effect Transistors (DEPFETs) with a thickness of only 75 μm. Spatial resolution and hit efficiency of production detector modules were studied in beam tests performed at the DESY test beam facility. The spatial resolution was investigated as a function of the incidence angle and improvements due to charge sharing are demonstrated. The measured module performance is compatible with the requirements for Belle II.
Schreeck, H., Paschen, B., Wieduwilt, P., Ahlburg, P., Andricek, L., Dingfelder, J., et al. (2020). Effects of gamma irradiation on DEPFET pixel sensors for the Belle II experiment. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 959, 163522–9pp.
Abstract: For the Belle II experiment at KEK (Tsukuba, Japan) the KEKB accelerator was upgraded to deliver a 40 times larger instantaneous luminosity than before, which requires an increased radiation hardness of the detector components. As the innermost part of the Belle II detector, the pixel detector (PXD), based on DEPFET (DEpleted P-channel Field Effect Transistor) technology, is most exposed to radiation from the accelerator. An irradiation campaign was performed to verify that the PXD can cope with the expected amount of radiation. We present the results of this measurement campaign in which an X-ray machine was used to irradiate a single PXD half-ladder to a total dose of 266 kGy. The half-ladder is from the same batch as the half-ladders used for Belle II. According to simulations, the total accumulated dose corresponds to 7-10 years of Belle II operation. While individual components have been irradiated before, this campaign is the first full system irradiation. We discuss the effects on the DEPFET sensors, as well as the performance of the front-end electronics. In addition, we present efficiency studies of the half-ladder from beam tests performed before and after the irradiation.
Poley, L., Stolzenberg, U., Schwenker, B., Frey, A., Gottlicher, P., Marinas, C., et al. (2021). Mapping the material distribution of a complex structure in an electron beam. J. Instrum., 16(1), P01010–33pp.
Abstract: The simulation and analysis of High Energy Physics experiments require a realistic simulation of the detector material and its distribution. The challenge is to describe all active and passive parts of large scale detectors like ATLAS in terms of their size, position and material composition. The common method for estimating the radiation length by weighing individual components, adding up their contributions and averaging the resulting material distribution over extended structures provides a good general estimate, but can deviate significantly from the material actually present. A method has been developed to assess its material distribution with high spatial resolution using the reconstructed scattering angles and hit positions of high energy electron tracks traversing an object under investigation. The study presented here shows measurements for an extended structure with a highly inhomogeneous material distribution. The structure under investigation is an End-of-Substructure-card prototype designed for the ATLAS Inner Tracker strip tracker – a PCB populated with components of a large range of material budgets and sizes. The measurements presented here summarise requirements for data samples and reconstructed electron tracks for reliable image reconstruction of large scale, inhomogeneous samples, choices of pixel sizes compared to the size of features under investigation as well as a bremsstrahlung correction for high material densities and thicknesses.
Boronat, M., Marinas, C., Frey, A., Garcia, I., Schwenker, B., Vos, M., et al. (2015). Physical Limitations to the Spatial Resolution of Solid-State Detectors. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 62(1), 381–386.
Abstract: In this paper we explore the effect of delta-ray emission and fluctuations in the signal deposition on the detection of charged particles in silicon-based detectors. We show that these two effects ultimately limit the resolution that can be achieved by interpolation of the signal in finely segmented position-sensitive solid-state devices.