Feijoo, A., Dai, L. R., Abreu, L. M., & Oset, E. (2024). Correlation function for the Tbb state: Determination of the binding, scattering lengths, effective ranges, and molecular probabilities. Phys. Rev. D, 109(1), 016014–8pp.
Abstract: We perform a study of the (B*+B0), (BB+)-B-*0 correlation functions using an extension of the local hidden gauge approach which provides the interaction from the exchange of light vector mesons and gives rise to a bound state of these components in I = 0 with a binding energy of about 21 MeV. After that, we face the inverse problem of determining the low energy observables, scattering length and effective range for each channel, the possible existence of a bound state, and, if found, the couplings of such a state to each (B*+B0), (BB+)-B-*0 component as well as the molecular probabilities of each of the channels. We use the bootstrap method to determine these magnitudes and find that, with errors in the correlation function typical of present experiments, we can determine all these magnitudes with acceptable precision. In addition, the size of the source function of the experiment from where the correlation functions are measured can be also determined with a high precision.
Feijoo, A., Mantovani Sarti, V., Nieves, J., Ramos, A., & Vidaña, I. (2025). Bridging correlation and spectroscopy measurements to access the hadron interaction behind molecular states: The case of the Ξ(1620) and Ξ(1690) in the K – Λ system. Phys. Rev. D, 111(1), 014022–15pp.
Abstract: We study the compatibility between the K-A correlation function, recently measured by the ALICE collaboration, and the LHCb K-A invariant mass distribution obtained in the -b -> J/psi AK- decay. The K-A invariant mass distribution associated with the – b decay has been calculated within the framework of unitary effective field theories using two models, one of them constrained by the K-A correlation function. We consider two degenerate pentaquark PAs states in the J/psi A scattering amplitude which allows us to investigate their impact on both the K-A and J/psi A mass distributions assuming different spin-parity quantum numbers and multiplicity. Without any fitting procedure, the K-A model is able to better reproduce the experimental K-A mass spectrum in the energy region above 1680 MeV as compared to previous unitarized scattering amplitudes constrained to a large amount of experimental data in the neutral S = -1 meson-baryon sector. We observe a tension between our model and the LHCb K-A distribution in the region close to threshold, largely dominated by the presence of the still poorly known (1620) state. We discuss in detail the different production mechanisms probed via femtoscopy and spectroscopy that could provide valid explanations for such disagreement, indicating the necessity to employ future correlation data in other S = -2 channels such as pi and K<overline>Sigma.
Mantovani Sarti, V., Feijoo, A., Vidana, I., Ramos, A., Giacosa, F., Hyodo, T., et al. (2024). Constraining the low-energy S =-2 meson-baryon interaction with two-particle correlations. Phys. Rev. D, 110(1), L011505–8pp.
Abstract: In this paper we present a novel method to extract information on hadron-hadron interactions using for the first time femtoscopic data to constrain the low-energy constants of a QCD effective Lagrangian. This method offers a new way to investigate the nonperturbative regime of QCD in sectors where scattering experiments are not feasible, such as the multistrange and charm ones. As an example of its application, we use the very precise K-Lambda correlation function data, recently measured in pp collisions at LHC, to constrain the strangeness S = -2 meson-baryon interaction. The model obtained delivers new insights on the molecular nature of the Xi(1620) and Xi(1690) states.
Feijoo, A., Gazda, D., Magas, V., & Ramos, A. (2021). The (K)over-barN Interaction in Higher Partial Waves. Symmetry-Basel, 13(8), 1434–22pp.
Abstract: We present a chiral (K) over barN interaction model that has been developed and optimized in order to account for the experimental data of inelastic (K) over barN reaction channels that open at higher energies. In particular, we study the effect of the higher partial waves, which originate directly from the chiral Lagrangian, as they could supersede the role of high-spin resonances employed in earlier phenomenological models to describe meson-baryon cross sections in the 2 GeV region. We present a detailed derivation of the partial wave amplitudes that emerge from the chiral SU(3) meson-baryon Lagrangian up to the d-waves and next-to-leading order in the chiral expansion. We implement a nonperturbative unitarization in coupled channels and optimize the model parameters to a large pool of experimental data in the relevant energy range where these new contributions are expected to be important. The obtained results are encouraging. They indicate the ability of the chiral higher partial waves to extend the description of the scattering data to higher energies and to account for structures in the reaction cross-sections that cannot be accommodated by theoretical models limited to the s-waves.
Feijoo, A., Molina, R., Dai, L. R., & Oset, E. (2022). Lambda(1405) mediated triangle singularity in the K(-)d -> p Sigma(-) reaction. Eur. Phys. J. C, 82(11), 1028–16pp.
Abstract: We study for the first time the p Sigma(-) -> K- d and K- d -> p Sigma(-) reactions close to threshold and show that they are driven by a triangle mechanism, with the Lambda(1405), a proton and a neutron as intermediate states, which develops a triangle singularity close to the (K) over bard threshold. We find that a mechanism involving virtual pion exchange and the K- p -> pi(+)Sigma(-) amplitude dominates over another one involving kaon exchange and the K- p -> K- p amplitude. Moreover, of the two Lambda(1405) states, the one with higher mass around 1420 MeV, gives the largest contribution to the process. We show that the cross section, well within measurable range, is very sensitive to different models that, while reproducing (K) over barN observables above threshold, provide different extrapolations of the (K) over barN amplitudes below threshold. The observables of this reaction will provide new constraints on the theoretical models, leading to more reliable extrapolations of the (K) over barN amplitudes below threshold and to more accurate predictions of the Lambda(1405) state of lower mass.
Dai, L. R., Abreu, L. M., Feijoo, A., & Oset, E. (2023). The isospin and compositeness of the Tcc(3875) state. Eur. Phys. J. C, 83(10), 983–11pp.
Abstract: We perform a fit to the LHCb data on the T-cc(3875) state in order to determine its nature. We use a general framework that allows to have the (DD & lowast;+)-D-0, (D+D & lowast;0) components forming a molecular state, as well as a possible nonmolecular state or contributions from missing coupled channels. From the fits to the data we conclude that the state observed is clearly of molecular nature from the (DD & lowast;+)-D-0, (D+D & lowast;0) components and the possible contribution of a nonmolecular state or missing channels is smaller than 3%, compatible with zero. We also determine that the state has isospin I=0 with a minor isospin breaking from the different masses of the channels involved, and the probabilities of the (DD & lowast;+)-D-0, (D+D & lowast;0) channels are of the order of 69% and 29% with uncertainties of 1%. The differences between these probabilities should not be interpreted as a measure of the isospin violation. Due to the short range of the strong interaction where the isospin is manifested, the isospin nature is provided by the couplings of the state found to the (DD & lowast;+)-D-0, (D+D & lowast;0) components, and our results for these couplings indicate that we have an I=0 state with a very small isospin breaking. We also find that the potential obtained provides a repulsive interaction in I=1, preventing the formation of an I=1 state, in agreement with what is observed in the experiment.
Feijoo, A., Magas, V. K., Ramos, A., & Oset, E. (2016). A hidden-charm S =-1 pentaquark from the decay Lambda(b) into J/psi eta Lambda states. Eur. Phys. J. C, 76(8), 446–12pp.
Abstract: The hidden-charm pentaquark P-c(4450) observed recently by the LHCb collaboration may be of molecular nature, as advocated by some unitary approaches that also predict pentaquark partners in the strangeness S = -1 sector. In this work we argue that a hidden-charm strange pentaquark could be seen from the decay of the Lambda b, just as in the case of the non-strange P-c(4450), but looking into the J/psi eta Lambda decay mode and forming the invariant mass spectrum of J/psi Lambda pairs. In the model presented here, which assumes a standard weak decay topology and incorporates the hadronization process and final-state interaction effects, we find the J/psi eta Lambda final states to be populated with similar strength as the J/psi K- p states employed for the observation of the non-strange pentaquark. This makes the Lambda b -> J/psi eta Lambda decay to be an interesting process to observe a possible strange partner of the P-c(4450). We study the dependence of the J/psi Lambda mass spectra on various model ingredients and on the unknown properties of the strange pentaquark.
Oset, E., Chen, H. X., Feijoo, A., Geng, L. S., Liang, W. H., Li, D. M., et al. (2016). Study of reactions disclosing hidden charm pentaquarks with or without strangeness. Nucl. Phys. A, 954, 371–392.
Abstract: We present results for five reactions, Lambda(b) -> J/psi K(-)p, Lambda(b) -> J/psi eta Lambda, Lambda(b) -> J/psi pi(-)p, Lambda(b) -> J/psi K-0 Lambda and Xi(-)(b) -> J/psi K-Lambda, where combining information from the meson baryon interaction, using the chiral unitary approach, and predictions made for molecular states of hidden charm, with or without strangeness, we can evaluate invariant mass distributions for the light meson baryon states, and for those of J/psi p or J/psi Lambda. We show that with the present available information, in all of these reactions one finds peaks where the pentaquark states show up. In the Lambda(b) -> J/psi K(-)p, and Lambda(b) -> J/psi pi(-)p reactions we show that the results obtained from our study are compatible with present experimental observations.
Abreu, L. M., Albaladejo, M., Feijoo, A., Oset, E., & Nieves, J. (2023). Shedding light on the X(3930) and X(3960) states with the B-> K- J/psi omega reaction. Eur. Phys. J. C, 83(4), 309–11pp.
Abstract: We have studied the contribution of the state X(3930), coming from the interaction of the D ($) over bar and D-s(+) D ($) over bar (s) channels, to the B- -> K- J/psi omega decay. The purpose of this work is to offer a complementary tool to see if the X(3930) state observed in the D+ D- channel is the same or not as the X(3960) resonance claimed by the LHCb Collaboration from a peak in the D-s(+) D s mass distribution around threshold. We present results for what we expect in the J/psi omega mass distribution in the B- -> K- J/psi omega decay and conclude that a clear signal should be seen around 3930 MeV. At the same time, finding no extra resonance signal at 3960 MeV would be a clear indication that there is not a new state at 3960 MeV, supporting the hypothesis that the near-threshold peaking structure peak in the D-s(+) D-s(-) mass distribution is only a manifestation of a resonance below threshold.