Fallot, M., Cormon, S., Estienne, M., Algora, A., Bui, V. M., Cucoanes, A., et al. (2012). New Antineutrino Energy Spectra Predictions from the Summation of Beta Decay Branches of the Fission Products. Phys. Rev. Lett., 109(20), 202504–5pp.
Abstract: In this Letter, we study the impact of the inclusion of the recently measured beta decay properties of the Tc-102;104;105;106;107, Mo-105, and Nb-101 nuclei in an updated calculation of the antineutrino energy spectra of the four fissible isotopes U-235,U-238 and Pu-239,Pu-241. These actinides are the main contributors to the fission processes in pressurized water reactors. The beta feeding probabilities of the above-mentioned Tc, Mo, and Nb isotopes have been found to play a major role in the gamma component of the decay heat of Pu-239, solving a large part of the gamma discrepancy in the 4-3000 s range. They have been measured by using the total absorption technique, insensitive to the pandemonium effect. The calculations are performed by using the information available nowadays in the nuclear databases, summing all the contributions of the beta decay branches of the fission products. Our results provide a new prediction of the antineutrino energy spectra of U-235, Pu-239,Pu-241, and, in particular, U-238 for which no measurement has been published yet. We conclude that new total absorption technique measurements are mandatory to improve the reliability of the predicted spectra.
Estienne, M., Fallot, M., Cormon, S., Algora, A., Bui, V. M., Cucoanes, A., et al. (2014). Contribution of Recently Measured Nuclear Data to Reactor Antineutrino Energy Spectra Predictions. Nucl. Data Sheets, 120, 149–152.
Abstract: The aim of this work is to study the impact of the inclusion of the recently measured beta decay properties of the Tc-102,Tc-104,Tc-105,Tc-106,Tc-107, Mo-105, and Nb-101 nuclei in the calculation of the antineutrino (anti-nu) energy spectra arising after the fissions of the four main fissile isotopes U-235,U-238, and (PU)-P-239,241 in PWRs. These beta feeding probabilities, measured using the Total Absorption Technique (TAS) at the JYFL facility of Jyvaskyla, have been found to play a major role in the gamma component of the decay heat for Pu-239 in the 4-3000 s range. Following the fission product summation method, the calculation was performed using the MCNP Utility Reactor Evolution code (MURE) coupled to the experimental spectra built from beta decay properties of the fission products taken from evaluated databases. These latest TAS data are found to have a significant effect on the Pu isotope energy spectra and on the spectrum of U-238 showing the importance of their measurement for a better assessment of the reactor anti-nu energy spectrum, as well as importance for fundamental neutrino physics experiments and neutrino applied physics.