AbdusSalam, S. S. et al, & Eberhardt, O. (2022). Simple and statistically sound recommendations for analysing physical theories. Rep. Prog. Phys., 85(5), 052201–11pp.
Abstract: Physical theories that depend on many parameters or are tested against data from many different experiments pose unique challenges to statistical inference. Many models in particle physics, astrophysics and cosmology fall into one or both of these categories. These issues are often sidestepped with statistically unsound ad hoc methods, involving intersection of parameter intervals estimated by multiple experiments, and random or grid sampling of model parameters. Whilst these methods are easy to apply, they exhibit pathologies even in low-dimensional parameter spaces, and quickly become problematic to use and interpret in higher dimensions. In this article we give clear guidance for going beyond these procedures, suggesting where possible simple methods for performing statistically sound inference, and recommendations of readily-available software tools and standards that can assist in doing so. Our aim is to provide any physicists lacking comprehensive statistical training with recommendations for reaching correct scientific conclusions, with only a modest increase in analysis burden. Our examples can be reproduced with the code publicly available at Zenodo.
Cheng, L., Eberhardt, O., & Murphy, C. W. (2019). Novel theoretical constraints for color-octet scalar models. Chin. Phys. C, 43(9), 093101–11pp.
Abstract: We study the theoretical constraints on a model whose scalar sector contains one color octet and one or two color singlet SU(2)(L) doublets. To ensure unitarity of the theory, we constrain the parameters of the scalar potential for the first time at the next-to-leading order in perturbation theory. Moreover, we derive new conditions guaranteeing the stability of the potential. We employ the HEPfit package to extract viable parameter regions at the electroweak scale and test the stability of the renormalization group evolution up to the multi-TeV region. Furthermore, we set upper limits on the scalar mass splittings. All results are given for both cases with and without a second scalar color singlet.
Chiang, C. W., Cottin, G., & Eberhardt, O. (2019). Global fits in the Georgi-Machacek model. Phys. Rev. D, 99(1), 015001–21pp.
Abstract: Off the beaten track of scalar singlet and doublet extensions of the Standard Model, triplets combine an interesting LHC phenomenology with an explanation for neutrino masses. The Georgi-Machacek model falls into this category, but it has never been fully explored in a global fit. We use the HEPfit package to combine recent experimental Higgs data with theoretical constraints and obtain strong limits on the mixing angles and mass differences between the heavy new scalars as well as their decay widths. We also find that the current signal strength measurements allow for a Higgs to vector boson coupling with an opposite sign to the Standard Model, but this possibility can be ruled out by the lack of direct evidence for heavy Higgs states. For these hypothetical particles, we identify the dominant decay channels and extract bounds on their branching ratios from the global fit, which can be used to single out the decay patterns relevant for the experimental searches.
Chowdhury, D., & Eberhardt, O. (2018). Update of global Two-Higgs-Doublet model fits. J. High Energy Phys., 05(5), 161–42pp.
Abstract: We perform global fits of Two-Higgs-Doublet models with a softly broken Z(2) symmetry to recent results from the LHC detectors CMS and ATLAS, that is signal strengths and direct search limits obtained at root s = 8 TeV and root s = 13 TeV. We combine all available ATLAS and CMS constraints with the other relevant theoretical and experimental bounds and present the latest limits on the model parameters. We obtain that deviations from the so-called alignment limit beta-alpha = pi/2 cannot be larger than 0.03 in type I and have to be smaller than 0.02 in the remaining three types. For the latter, we also observe lower limits on the heavy Higgs masses in the global fit. The splittings between these masses cannot exceed 200 GeV in the types I and X and 130 GeV in the types II and Y. Finally, we find that the decay widths of the heavy Higgs particles cannot be larger than 7% of their masses if they are lighter than 1.5 TeV.
de Blas, J., Chowdhury, D., Ciuchini, M., Coutinho, A. M., Eberhardt, O., Fedele, M., et al. (2020). HEPfit: a code for the combination of indirect and direct constraints on high energy physics models. Eur. Phys. J. C, 80(5), 456–31pp.
Abstract: HEPfit is a flexible open-source tool which, given the Standard Model or any of its extensions, allows to (i) fit the model parameters to a given set of experimental observables; (ii) obtain predictions for observables. HEPfit can be used either in Monte Carlo mode, to perform a Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis of a given model, or as a library, to obtain predictions of observables for a given point in the parameter space of the model, allowing HEPfit to be used in any statistical framework. In the present version, around a thousand observables have been implemented in the Standard Model and in several new physics scenarios. In this paper, we describe the general structure of the code as well as models and observables implemented in the current release.
de Blas, J., Eberhardt, O., & Krause, C. (2018). Current and future constraints on Higgs couplings in the nonlinear Effective Theory. J. High Energy Phys., 07(7), 048–45pp.
Abstract: We perform a Bayesian statistical analysis of the constraints on the nonlinear Effective Theory given by the Higgs electroweak chiral Lagrangian. We obtain bounds on the effective coefficients entering in Higgs observables at the leading order, using all available Higgs-boson signal strengths from the LHC runs 1 and 2. Using a prior dependence study of the solutions, we discuss the results within the context of natural-sized Wilson coefficients. We further study the expected sensitivities to the different Wilson coefficients at various possible future colliders. Finally, we interpret our results in terms of some minimal composite Higgs models.
Eberhardt, O., Miralles, V., & Pich, A. (2021). Constraints on coloured scalars from global fits. J. High Energy Phys., 10(10), 123–23pp.
Abstract: We consider a simple extension of the electroweak theory, incorporating one SU(2)(L) doublet of colour-octet scalars with Yukawa couplings satisfying the principle of minimal flavour violation. Using the HEPfit package, we perform a global fit to the available data, including all relevant theoretical constraints, and extract the current bounds on the model parameters. Coloured scalars with masses below 1.05 TeV are already excluded, provided they are not fermiophobic. The mass splittings among the different (charged and CP-even and CP-odd neutral) scalars are restricted to be smaller than 20 GeV. Moreover, for scalar masses smaller than 1.5 TeV, the Yukawa coupling of the coloured scalar multiplet to the top quark cannot exceed the one of the SM Higgs doublet by more than 80%. These conclusions are quite generic and apply in more general frameworks (without fine tunings). The theoretical requirements of perturbative unitarity and vacuum stability enforce relevant constraints on the quartic scalar potential parameters that are not yet experimentally tested.
Eberhardt, O., Peñuelas, A., & Pich, A. (2021). Global fits in the Aligned Two-Higgs-Doublet model. J. High Energy Phys., 05(5), 005–37pp.
Abstract: We present the results of a global fit to the Aligned Two-Higgs Doublet Model, assuming that there are no new sources of CP violation beyond the quark mixing matrix. We use the most constraining flavour observables, electroweak precision measurements and the available data on Higgs signal strengths and collider searches for heavy scalars, together with the theoretical requirements of perturbativity and positivity of the scalar potential. The combination of all these constraints restricts the values of the scalar masses, the couplings of the scalar potential and the flavour-alignment parameters. The numerical fits have been performed using the open-source HEPfit package.