Dai, L. R., Zhang, X., & Oset, E. (2018). Semileptonic decays of B-(*), D-(*) into vl and pseudoscalar or vector mesons. Phys. Rev. D, 98(3), 036004–16pp.
Abstract: We perform a study of the B-(*), D-(*) scmileptonic decays, using a differcnt mcthod than in conventional approaches, where the matrix elements of the weak operators are evaluated and a detailed spin-angular momentum algebra is performed to obtain very simple expressions at the end for the different decay modes. Using only one experimental decay rate in the B or D sectors, the rates for the rest of decay modes are predicted and thcy arc in good agrcement with experiment. Somc discrepancies arc observed in the tau dccay mode for which we find an explanation. We perform evaluations for B and D' decay rates that can be used in future measurements, now possible in the LHCb Collaboration.
Dai, L. R., Yu, Q. X., & Oset, E. (2019). Triangle singularity in tau(-) -> nu(tau)pi(-) f(0)(980) (a(0)(980)) decays. Phys. Rev. D, 99(1), 016021–13pp.
Abstract: We study the triangle mechanism for the decay tau(-) -> nu(tau)pi(-) f(0)(980) with the f(0)(980) decaying into pi(+) pi(-). The mechanism for this process is initiated by tau(-) -> nu K-tau*(0) K- followed by the K*(0) decay into pi K--(+), then the K- K+ produce the f(0)(980) through a triangle loop containing K* K+ K- which develops a singularity around 1420 MeV in the pi f(0)(980) invariant mass. We find a narrow peak in the pi(+) pi(-) invariant mass distribution, which originates from the f(0)(980) amplitude. Similarly, we also study the triangle mechanism for the decay tau -> nu pi(-) a(0)(980), with the a(0)(980) decaying into pi(0)eta.The formalism leads to final branching ratios for pi(-) f(0)(980) and pi(-) a(0)(980) of the order of 4 x 10(-4) and 7 x 10(-5), respectively, which are within present measurable range. Experimental verification of these predictions will shed light on the nature of the scalar mesons and on the origin of the “a(1)(1420)” peak observed in other reactions.
Dai, L. R., Xie, J. J., & Oset, E. (2015). Study of the f(2)(1270), f '(2)(1525), and (K)over-bar(2)*(1430), f(0)(1370) and f(0)(1710) production from psi(nS) and Upsilon(nS) decays. Phys. Rev. D, 91(9), 094013–6pp.
Abstract: Based on previous studies that support the important role of the f(2)(1270), f'(2)(1525), and (K) over bar (2)*(1430) resonances in the J/psi[psi(2S)] -> phi(omega)VV decays, we make an analysis of the analogous decays of Upsilon(1S) and Upsilon(2S), taking into account recent experimental data. In addition, we study the J/psi and psi(2S) radiative decays and we also made predictions for the radiative decay of Upsilon(1S) and Upsilon(2S) into gamma f(2)(1270), gamma f(2)'(1525), gamma f(0)(1370) and gamma f(0)(1710) comparing with the recent results of a CLEO experiment. We can compare our results for ratios of decay rates with eight experimental ratios and find agreement in all but one case, where experimental problems are discussed.
Dai, L. R., Xie, J. J., & Oset, E. (2016). B-0 -> D-0 D-0 K-0, B+ -> D-0 D-0 K+, and the scalar DD bound state. Eur. Phys. J. C, 76(3), 121–9pp.
Abstract: We study the B-0 decay to D-0 D-0 K-0 based on the chiral unitary approach, which generates the X(3720) resonance, and we make predictions for the D D invariant mass distribution. From the shape of the distribution, the existence of the resonance below threshold could be induced. We also predict the rate of production of the X(3720) resonance to the D D mass distribution with no free parameters.
Dai, L. R., Wang, G. Y., Chen, X., Wang, E., Oset, E., & Li, D. M. (2019). The B+ -> J/phi omega K+ reaction and D*(D)over-bar* molecular states. Eur. Phys. J. A, 55(3), 36–7pp.
Abstract: We study the B+J/K+ reaction, and show that it is driven by the presence of two resonances, the X(3940) and X(3930), that are of molecular nature and couple most strongly to D*D*, but also to J/. Because of that, in the J/ mass distribution we find a peak related to the excitation of the resonances and a cusp with large strength at the D*D* threshold.
Dai, L. R., Toledo, G., & Oset, E. (2020). Searching for a D(D)over-bar bound state with the psi(3770) -> gamma D-0(D)over-bar(0) decay. Eur. Phys. J. C, 80(6), 510–8pp.
Abstract: We perform a calculation of the mass distribution in the psi(3770) -> gamma D (D) over bar decay, studying both the D+D- and D-0(D) over bar (0) decays. The electromagnetic interaction is such that the tree level amplitude is null for the neutral channel, which forces the psi(3770) -> gamma D-0(D) over bar (0) transition to go through a loop involving the D+D- -> D-0(D) over bar (0) scattering amplitude. We take the results for this amplitude from a theoretical model that predicts a D (D) over bar bound state and find a D-0(D) over bar (0) mass distribution in the decay drastically different than phase space. The rates obtained are relatively large and the experiment is easily feasible in the present BESIII facility. The performance of this experiment could provide an answer to the issue of this much searched for state, which is the analogue of the f(0)(980) resonance.
Dai, L. R., Song, J., & Oset, E. (2023). Evolution of genuine states to molecular ones: The Tcc(3875) case. Phys. Lett. B, 846, 138200–6pp.
Abstract: We address the issue of the compositeness of hadronic states and demonstrate that starting with a genuine state of nonmolecular nature, but which couples to some meson-meson component to be observable in that channel, if that state is blamed for a bound state appearing below the meson-meson threshold it gets dressed with a meson cloud and it becomes pure molecular in the limit case of zero binding. We discuss the issue of the scales, and see that if the genuine state has a mass very close to threshold, the theorem holds, but the molecular probability goes to unity in a very narrow range of energies close to threshold. The conclusion is that the value of the binding does not determine the compositeness of a state. However, in such extreme cases we see that the scattering length gets progressively smaller and the effective range grows indefinitely. In other words, the binding energy does not determine the compositeness of a state, but the additional information of the scattering length and effective range can provide an answer. We also show that the consideration of a direct attractive interaction between the mesons in addition to having a genuine component, increases the compositeness of the state. Explicit calculations are done for the Tcc(3875) state, but are easily generalized to any hadronic system.
Dai, L. R., Roca, L., & Oset, E. (2019). tau decay into a pseudoscalar and an axial-vector meson. Phys. Rev. D, 99(9), 096003–14pp.
Abstract: We study theoretically the decay tau(-) -> nu(tau)P(-)A, with P- a pi(-) or K- and A an axial-vector resonance b(1)(1235), h(1) (1170), h(1) (1380), a(1) (1260), f(1) (1285) or any of the two poles of the K-1 (1270). The process proceeds through a triangle mechanism where a vector meson pair is first produced from the weak current and then one of the vectors produces two pseudoscalars, one of which reinteracts with the other vector to produce the axial resonance. For the initial weak hadronic production we use a recent formalism to account for the hadronization after the initial quark-antiquark pair produced from the weak current, which explicitly filters G-parity states and obtain easy analytic formulas after working out the angular momentum algebra. The model also takes advantage of the chiral unitary theories to evaluate the vector-pseudoscalar (VP) amplitudes, where the axial-vector resonances were obtained as dynamically generated from the vector-pseudoscalar interaction. We make predictions for invariant mass distribution and branching ratios for the channels considered.
Dai, L. R., Roca, L., & Oset, E. (2020). Tau decay into tau(t) and a(1)(1260), b(1)(1235), and two K-1(1270). Eur. Phys. J. C, 80(7), 673–9pp.
Abstract: We study the tau -> nu(tau). A decay, with A an axialvector meson. We produce the a(1) (1260) and b(1) (1235) resonances in the Cabibbo favored mode and two K-1 (1270) states in the Cabibbo suppressed mode. We take advantage of previous chiral unitary approach results where these resonances appear dynamically from the vector and pseudoscalar meson interaction in s-wave. Actually two different poles were obtained associated to the K-1(1270) quantum numbers. We find that the unmeasured rates for b(1)(1235) production are similar to those of the a(1)(1260) and for the two K-1 states we suggest to separate the present information on the (K) over bar pi pi invariant masses into (K) over bar*pi and rho K modes, the channels to which these two resonances couple most strongly, predicting that thesemodes peak at different energies and have different widths. These measurements should shed light on the existence of these two K-1 states. In addition, we have gone one step further making a comparison with experimental results of three meson decay channels, letting the vector mesons of our approach decay into pseudoscalars, and we find an overall good agreement with experiment.
Dai, L. R., Pavao, R., Sakai, S., & Oset, E. (2018). Anomalous enhancement of the isospin-violating Lambda(1405) production by a triangle singularity in Lambda(c) ->pi(+)pi(0)pi(0)Sigma(0). Phys. Rev. D, 97(11), 116004–10pp.
Abstract: The decay of Lambda(+)(c) into pi(+)pi(0) Lambda(1405) with the Lambda(1405) decay into pi(0)Sigma(0) through a triangle diagram is studied. This process is initiated by Lambda(+)(c) -> pi(+) (K) over bar N-*, and then the (K) over bar (*) decays into (K) over bar (pi) and (K) over bar N produce the Lambda(1405) through a triangle loop containing (K) over bar N-* (K) over bar which develops a singularity around 1890 MeV. This process is prohibited by the isospin symmetry, but the decay into this channel is enhanced by the contribution of the triangle diagram, which is sensitive to the mass of the internal particles. We find a narrow peak in the pi(0)Sigma(0) invariant mass distribution, which originates from the (K) over bar amplitude, but is tied to the mass differences between the charged and neutral (K) over bar or N states. The observation of the unavoidable peak of the triangle singularity in the isospin- violating Lambda(1405) production would provide further support for the hadronic molecular picture of the Lambda(1405) and further information on the (K) over bar N interaction.