Arbelaez, C., Cepedello, R., Fonseca, R. M., & Hirsch, M. (2020). (g-2) anomalies and neutrino mass. Phys. Rev. D, 102(7), 075005–14pp.
Abstract: Motivated by the experimentally observed deviations from standard model predictions, we calculate the anomalous magnetic moments a(alpha) = (g – 2)(alpha) for a = e, μin a neutrino mass model originally proposed by Babu, Nandi, and Tavartkiladze (BNT). We discuss two variants of the model: the original model, and a minimally extended version with an additional hypercharge-zero triplet scalar. While the original BNT model can explain a(mu), only the variant with the triplet scalar can explain both experimental anomalies. The heavy fermions of the model can be produced at the high-luminosity LHC, and in the part of parameter space where the model explains the experimental anomalies it predicts certain specific decay patterns for the exotic fermions.
Centelles Chulia, S., Cepedello, R., & Medina, O. (2022). Absolute neutrino mass scale and dark matter stability from flavour symmetry. J. High Energy Phys., 10(10), 080–23pp.
Abstract: We explore a simple but extremely predictive extension of the scotogenic model. We promote the scotogenic symmetry Z(2) to the flavour non-Abelian symmetry sigma(81), which can also automatically protect dark matter stability. In addition, sigma(81) leads to striking predictions in the lepton sector: only Inverted Ordering is realised, the absolute neutrino mass scale is predicted to be m(lightest)approximate to 7.5x10(-4) eV and the Majorana phases are correlated in such a way that vertical bar m(ee)vertical bar approximate to 0.018 eV. The model also leads to a strong correlation between the solar mixing angle theta(12) and delta(CP), which may be falsified by the next generation of neutrino oscillation experiments. The setup is minimal in the sense that no additional symmetries or flavons are required.
Bonilla, C., Centelles Chulia, S., Cepedello, R., Peinado, E., & Srivastava, R. (2020). Dark matter stability and Dirac neutrinos using only standard model symmetries. Phys. Rev. D, 101(3), 033011–5pp.
Abstract: We provide a generic framework to obtain stable dark matter along with naturally small Dirac neutrino masses generated at the loop level. This is achieved through the spontaneous breaking of the global U(1)(B-L) symmetry already present in the standard model. The U(1)(B-L) symmetry is broken down to a residual even Z(n) (n >= 4) subgroup. The residual Z(n) symmetry simultaneously guarantees dark matter stability and protects the Dirac nature of neutrinos. The U(1)(B-L) symmetry in our setup is anomaly free and can also be gauged in a straightforward way. Finally, we present an explicit example using our framework to show the idea in action.
Cepedello, R., Esser, F., Hirsch, M., & Sanz, V. (2024). Faking ZZZ vertices at the LHC. J. High Energy Phys., 12(12), 098–20pp.
Abstract: Searches for anomalous neutral triple gauge boson couplings (NTGCs) provide important tests for the gauge structure of the standard model. At the LHC, NTGCs are searched for via the process pp -> ZZ -> 4l, where the two Z-bosons are on-shell. In this paper, we discuss how the same process can occur through tree-level diagrams just adding a vector-like quark (VLQ) to the standard model. Since NTGCs are generated in standard model effective theory (SMEFT) only at 1-loop order, vector like quarks could be an important alternative interpretation to, and background for, NTGC searches. Here, we construct a simple example model, discuss low-energy constraints and estimate current and future sensitivities on the model parameters from pp -> ZZ -> 4l searches.
Cepedello, R., Esser, F., Hirsch, M., & Sanz, V. (2024). Fermionic UV models for neutral triple gauge boson vertices. J. High Energy Phys., 07(7), 275–28pp.
Abstract: Searches for anomalous neutral triple gauge boson couplings (NTGCs) provide important tests for the gauge structure of the standard model. In SMEFT (“standard model effective field theory”) NTGCs appear only at the level of dimension-8 operators. While the phenomenology of these operators has been discussed extensively in the literature, renormalizable UV models that can generate these operators are scarce. In this work, we study a variety of extensions of the SM with heavy fermions and calculate their matching to d = 8 NTGC operators. We point out that the complete matching of UV models requires four different CP-conserving d = 8 operators and that the single CPC d = 8 operator, most commonly used by the experimental collaborations, does not describe all possible NTGC form factors. Despite stringent experimental constraints on NTGCs, limits on the scale of UV models are relatively weak, because their contributions are doubly suppressed (being d = 8 and 1-loop). We suggest a series of benchmark UV scenarios suitable for interpreting searches for NTGCs in the upcoming LHC runs, obtain their current limits and provide estimates for the expected sensitivity of the high-luminosity LHC.
Arbelaez, C., Cepedello, R., Helo, J. C., Hirsch, M., & Kovalenko, S. (2022). How many 1-loop neutrino mass models are there? J. High Energy Phys., 08(8), 023–29pp.
Abstract: It is well-known that at tree-level the d = 5 Weinberg operator can be generated in exactly three different ways, the famous seesaw models. In this paper we study the related question of how many phenomenologically consistent 1-loop models one can construct at d=5. First, we discuss that there are two possible classes of 1-loop neutrino mass models, that allow avoiding stable charged relics: (i) models with dark matter candidates and (ii) models with “exits”. Here, we define “exits” as particles that can decay into standard model fields. Considering 1-loop models with new scalars and fermions, we find in the dark matter class a total of (115+203) models, while in the exit class we find (38+368) models. Here, 115 is the number of DM models, which require a stabilizing symmetry, while 203 is the number of models which contain a dark matter candidate, which maybe accidentally stable. In the exit class the 38 refers to models, for which one (or two) of the internal particles in the loop is a SM field, while the 368 models contain only fields beyond the SM (BSM) in the neutrino mass diagram. We then study the RGE evolution of the gauge couplings in all our 1-loop models. Many of the models in our list lead to Landau poles in some gauge coupling at rather low energies and there is exactly one model which unifies the gauge couplings at energies above 10(15) GeV in a numerically acceptable way.
Cepedello, R., Hirsch, M., & Helo, J. C. (2018). Lepton number violating phenomenology of d=7 neutrino mass models. J. High Energy Phys., 01(1), 009–24pp.
Abstract: We study the phenomenology of d = 7 1-loop neutrino mass models. All models in this particular class require the existence of several new SU(2)(L) multiplets, both scalar and fermionic, and thus predict a rich phenomenology at the LHC. The observed neutrino masses and mixings can easily be fitted in these models. Interestingly, despite the smallness of the observed neutrino masses, some particular lepton number violating (LNV) final states can arise with observable branching ratios. These LNV final states consists of leptons and gauge bosons with high multiplicities, such as 4/ + 4W, 6/ + 2W etc. We study current constraints on these models from upper bounds on charged lepton flavour violating decays, existing lepton number conserving searches at the LHC and discuss possible future LNV searches.
Cepedello, R., Hirsch, M., & Helo, J. C. (2017). Loop neutrino masses from d=7 operator. J. High Energy Phys., 07(7), 079–21pp.
Abstract: We discuss the generation of small neutrino masses from d = 71 -loop diagrams. We first systematically analyze all possible d = 7 1 -loop topologies. There is a total of 48 topologies, but only 8 of these can lead to “genuine” d = 7 neutrino masses. Here, we define genuine models to be models in which neither d = 5 nor d = 7 tree -level masses nor a d = 5 1 -loop mass appear, such that the d = 7 1 -loop is the leading order contribution to the neutrino masses. All genuine models can then be organized w.r.t. their particle content. We find there is only one diagram with no representation larger than triplet, while there are 22 diagrams with quadruplets. We briefly discuss three minimal example models of this kind.
Cepedello, R., Esser, F., Hirsch, M., & Sanz, V. (2022). Mapping the SMEFT to discoverable models. J. High Energy Phys., 09(9), 229–34pp.
Abstract: The matching of specific new physics scenarios onto the SMEFT framework is a well-understood procedure. The inverse problem, the matching of the SMEFT to UV scenarios, is more difficult and requires the development of new methods to perform a systematic exploration of models. In this paper we use a diagrammatic technique to construct in an automated way a complete set of possible UV models (given certain, well specified assumptions) that can produce specific groups of SMEFT operators, and illustrate its use by generating models with no tree-level contributions to four-fermion (4F) operators. Those scenarios, which only contribute to 4F at one-loop order, can contain relatively light particles that could be discovered at the LHC in direct searches. For this class of models, we find an interesting interplay between indirect SMEFT and direct searches. We discuss some examples on how this interplay would look like when combining low-energy observables with the SMEFT Higgs-fermion analyses and searches for resonance at the LHC.
Cepedello, R., Hirsch, M., Rocha-Moran, P., & Vicente, A. (2020). Minimal 3-loop neutrino mass models and charged lepton flavor violation. J. High Energy Phys., 08(8), 067–37pp.
Abstract: We study charged lepton flavor violation for the three most popular 3-loop Majorana neutrino mass models. We call these models “minimal” since their particle content correspond to the minimal sets for which genuine 3-loop models can be constructed. In all the three minimal models the neutrino mass matrix is proportional to some powers of Standard Model lepton masses, providing additional suppression factors on top of the expected loop suppression. To correctly explain neutrino masses, therefore large Yukawa couplings are needed in these models. We calculate charged lepton flavor violating observables and find that the three minimal models survive the current constraints only in very narrow regions of their parameter spaces.