Celis, A., Cirigliano, V., & Passemar, E. (2014). Model-discriminating power of lepton flavor violating tau decays. Phys. Rev. D, 89(9), 095014–14pp.
Abstract: Within an effective field theory framework, we discuss the possibility to discriminate among different operators that contribute to lepton flavor violating (LFV) tau decays. Correlations among decay rates in different channels are shown to provide a basic handle to unravel the origin of LFV in these processes. More information about the underlying dynamics responsible for LFV can be gathered from differential distributions in three-body decays like tau -> μpi pi or tau -> 3 mu: these are considered in some detail. We incorporate in our analysis recent developments in the determination of the hadronic form factors for tau -> μpi pi. Future prospects for the observation of LFV tau decays and its interpretation are also discussed.
Celis, A., Fuentes-Martin, J., Vicente, A., & Virto, J. (2017). Gauge-invariant implications of the LHCb measurements on lepton-flavor nonuniversality. Phys. Rev. D, 96(3), 035026–8pp.
Abstract: We study the implications of the recent measurements of R-K and R-K* by the LHCb Collaboration. We do that by adopting a model-independent approach based on the Standard Model effective field theory (SMEFT), with the dominant new physics (NP) effects encoded in the coefficients of dimension-6 operators respecting the full Standard Model (SM) gauge symmetry. After providing simplified expressions for R-K and R-K*, we determine the implications of the recent LHCb results for these observables on the coefficients of the SMEFT operators at low and high energies. We also take into account all b -> sll data, which combined lead to effective NP scenarios with SM pulls in excess of 5 sigma. Thus, the operators discussed in this paper would be the first dimension-6 terms in the SM Lagrangian to be detected experimentally. Indirect constraints on these operators are also discussed. The results of this paper transcend the singularity of the present situation and set a standard for future analyses in b -> s transitions when the NP is assumed to lie above the electroweak scale.
Celis, A., Fuentes-Martin, J., Jung, M., & Serodio, H. (2015). Family nonuniversal Z ' models with protected flavor-changing interactions. Phys. Rev. D, 92(1), 015007–17pp.
Abstract: We define a new class of Z' models with neutral flavor-changing interactions at tree level in the down-quark sector. They are related in an exact way to elements of the quark mixing matrix due to an underlying flavored U(1)' gauge symmetry, rendering these models particularly predictive. The same symmetry implies lepton-flavor nonuniversal couplings, fully determined by the gauge structure of the model. Our models allow us to address presently observed deviations from the standard model and specific correlations among the new physics contributions to the Wilson coefficients C-9, 10((')l) can be tested in b -> sl(+)l(-) transitions. We furthermore predict lepton-universality violations in Z' decays, testable at the LHC.
Celis, A., Cirigliano, V., & Passemar, E. (2014). Lepton flavor violation in the Higgs sector and the role of hadronic tau-lepton decays. Phys. Rev. D, 89(1), 013008–19pp.
Abstract: It has been pointed out recently that current low-energy constraints still allow for sizable flavor-changing decay rates of the 125 GeV boson into leptons, h -> tau l (l = e, mu). In this work we discuss the role of hadronic tau-lepton decays in probing lepton flavor violating couplings in the Higgs sector. At low energy, the effective Higgs coupling to gluons induced by heavy quarks contributes to hadronic tau decays, establishing a direct connection with the relevant process at the LHC, pp(gg) -> h -> tau l. Semileptonic transitions like tau -> l pi pi are sensitive to flavor-changing scalar couplings, while decays such as tau -> l eta((l)) probe pseudoscalar couplings, thus providing a useful low-energy handle to disentangle possible Higgs flavor violating signals at the LHC. As part of our analysis, we provide an appropriate description of all the relevant hadronic matrix elements needed to describe Higgs mediated tau -> pi pi transitions, improving over previous treatments in the literature.
Celis, A., Fuentes-Martin, J., Vicente, A., & Virto, J. (2017). DsixTools: the standard model effective field theory toolkit. Eur. Phys. J. C, 77(6), 405–40pp.
Abstract: We present DsixTools, a Mathematica package for the handling of the dimension-six standard model effective field theory. Among other features, DsixTools allows the user to perform the full one-loop renormalization group evolution of the Wilson coefficients in the Warsaw basis. This is achieved thanks to the SMEFTrunner module, which implements the full one-loop anomalous dimension matrix previously derived in the literature. In addition, DsixTools also contains modules devoted to the matching to the Delta B = Delta S = 1, 2 and Delta B = Delta C = 1 operators of the Weak Effective Theory at the electroweak scale, and their QCD and QED Renormalization group evolution below the electroweak scale.
Boucenna, S. M., Celis, A., Fuentes-Martin, J., Vicente, A., & Virto, J. (2016). Non-abelian gauge extensions for B-decay anomalies. Phys. Lett. B, 760, 214–219.
Abstract: We study the generic features of minimal gauge extensions of the Standard Model in view of recent hints of lepton-flavor non-universality in semi-leptonic b -> sl(+)l(-) and b -> cl nu decays. We classify the possible models according to the symmetry-breaking pattern and the source of flavor non-universality. We find that in viable models the SU(2)(L) factor is embedded non-trivially in the extended gauge group, and that gauge couplings should be universal, hinting to the presence of new degrees of freedom sourcing non-universality. Finally, we provide an explicit model that can explain the B-decay anomalies in a coherent way and confront it with the relevant phenomenological constraints.
Celis, A., Fuentes-Martin, J., & Serodio, H. (2014). Effective aligned 2HDM with a DFSZ-like invisible axion. Phys. Lett. B, 737, 185–190.
Abstract: We discuss the possibility of having a non-minimal scalar sector at the weak scale within the framework of invisible axion models. To frame our discussion we consider an extension of the Dine-Fischler-Srednicki-Zhitnitsky invisible axion model with two additional Higgs doublets blind under the Peccei-Quinn symmetry. Due to mixing effects among the scalar fields, it is possible to obtain a rich scalar sector at the weak scale in certain decoupling limits of the theory. In particular, this framework provides an ultraviolet completion of the so-called aligned two-Higgs-doublet model and solves the strong CP problem. The axion properties and the smallness of active neutrino masses are also discussed.
Celis, A., Jung, M., Li, X. Q., & Pich, A. (2017). Scalar contributions to b -> c(u) tau nu transitions. Phys. Lett. B, 771, 168–179.
Abstract: We perform a comprehensive analysis of scalar contributions in b -> c tau nu transitions including the latest measurements of R(D-(*)), the q(2) differential distributions in B -> D-(*) tau nu the tau polarization asymmetry for B -> D*tau nu, and the bound derived from the total width of the B-c meson. We find that scalar contributions with the simultaneous presence of both left- and right-handed couplings to quarks can explain the available data, specifically R(D-(*)) together with the measured differential distributions. However, the constraints from the total B-c width present a slight tension with the current data on B -> D*tau nu in this scenario, preferring smaller values for R(D*). We discuss possibilities to disentangle scalar new physics from other new-physics scenarios like the presence of only a left-handed vector current, via additional observables in B -> D(*)tau nu decays or additional decay modes like the baryonic Lambda(b) -> Lambda(c)tau nu and the inclusive B -> X-c tau nu decays. We also analyze scalar contributions in b -> u tau nu transitions, including the latest measurements of B -> tau nu providing predictions for Lambda(b) -> p tau nu and B -> pi tau nu decays. The potential complementarity between the b -> u and b -> c sectors is finally investigated once assumptions about the flavour structure of the underlying theory are made.
Celis, A., Fuentes-Martin, J., & Serodio, H. (2014). A class of invisible axion models with FCNCs at tree level. J. High Energy Phys., 12(12), 167–53pp.
Abstract: We build a class of invisible axion models with tree-level Flavor Changing Neutral Currents completely controlled by the fermion mixing matrices. The scalar sector of these models contains three-Higgs doublets and a complex scalar gauge singlet, with the same fermionic content as in the Standard Model. A horizontal Peccei-Quinn symmetry provides a solution to the strong CP problem and predicts the existence of a very light and weakly coupled pseudo-Goldstone boson, the invisible axion or familon. A phenomenological analysis is performed taking into account familon searches in rare kaon and muon decays, astrophysical considerations and axion searches via axion-photon conversion. Drastic differences are found in the axion properties of different models due to the strong hierarchy of the CKM matrix, making some of the models considered much more constrained than others. We also obtain that a rich variety of these models avoid the domain wall problem. A possible mechanism to protect the solution to the strong CP problem against gravitational effects is also discussed.
Celis, A., Fuentes-Martin, J., & Serodio, H. (2015). An invisible axion model with controlled FCNCs at tree level. Phys. Lett. B, 741, 117–123.
Abstract: We derive the necessary conditions to build a class of invisible axion models with Flavor Changing Neutral Currents at tree-level controlled by the fermion mixing matrices and present an explicit model implementation. A horizontal Peccei-Quinn symmetry provides a solution to the strong CP problem via the Peccei-Quinn mechanism and predicts a cold dark mater candidate, the invisible axion or familon. The smallness of active neutrino masses can be explained via a type I seesaw mechanism, providing a dynamical origin for the heavy seesaw scale. The possibility to avoid the domain wall problem stands as one of the most interesting features of the type of models considered. Experimental limits relying on the axion-photon coupling, astrophysical considerations and familon searches in rare kaon and muon decays are discussed.