Castillo-Felisola, O., Grez, B., Olmo, G. J., Orellana, O., & Perdiguero Garate, J. (2024). Cosmological solutions in polynomial affine gravity with torsion. Eur. Phys. J. C, 84(9), 900–12pp.
Abstract: The Polynomial Affine Gravity is an alternative gravitational model, where the interactions are mediated solely by the affine connection, instead of the metric tensor. In this paper, we explore the space of solutions to the field equations when the torsion fields are turned on, in a homogeneous and isotropic (cosmological) scenario. We explore various metric structures that emerge in the space of solutions.
Anamiati, G., Castillo-Felisola, O., Fonseca, R. M., Helo, J. C., & Hirsch, M. (2018). High-dimensional neutrino masses. J. High Energy Phys., 12(12), 066–26pp.
Abstract: For Majorana neutrino masses the lowest dimensional operator possible is the Weinberg operator at d = 5. Here we discuss the possibility that neutrino masses originate from higher dimensional operators. Specifically, we consider all tree-level decompositions of the d = 9, d = 11 and d = 13 neutrino mass operators. With renormalizable interactions only, we find 18 topologies and 66 diagrams for d = 9, and 92 topologies plus 504 diagrams at the d = 11 level. At d = 13 there are already 576 topologies and 4199 diagrams. However, among all these there are only very few genuine neutrino mass models: At d = (9, 11, 13) we find only (2,2,2) genuine diagrams and a total of (2,2,6) models. Here, a model is considered genuine at level d if it automatically forbids lower order neutrino masses without the use of additional symmetries. We also briefly discuss how neutrino masses and angles can be easily fitted in these high-dimensional models.