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Calibbi, L., Lopez-Ibañez, M. L., Melis, A., & Vives, O. (2021). Implications of the Muon g-2 result on the flavour structure of the lepton mass matrix. Eur. Phys. J. C, 81(10), 929–11pp.
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Calibbi, L., Hodgkinson, R. N., Jones Perez, J., Masiero, A., & Vives, O. (2012). Flavour and collider interplay for SUSY at LHC7. Eur. Phys. J. C, 72(2), 1863–26pp.
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Calibbi, L., Lopez-Ibañez, M. L., Melis, A., & Vives, O. (2020). Muon and electron g – 2 and lepton masses in flavor models. J. High Energy Phys., 06(6), 087–23pp.
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