ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Community(Abdallah, J. et al), Calderon, D., Castillo Gimenez, V., Costelo, J., Ferrer, A., Fullana, E., et al. (2013). Mechanical construction and installation of the ATLAS tile calorimeter. J. Instrum., 8, T11001–26pp.
Abstract: This paper summarises the mechanical construction and installation of the Tile Calorimeter for the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider in CERN, Switzerland. The Tile Calorimeter is a sampling calorimeter using scintillator as the sensitive detector and steel as the absorber and covers the central region of the ATLAS experiment up to pseudorapidities +/- 1.7. The mechanical construction of the Tile Calorimeter occurred over a period of about 10 years beginning in 1995 with the completion of the Technical Design Report and ending in 2006 with the installation of the final module in the ATLAS cavern. During this period approximately 2600 metric tons of steel were transformed into a laminated structure to form the absorber of the sampling calorimeter. Following instrumentation and testing, which is described elsewhere, the modules were installed in the ATLAS cavern with a remarkable accuracy for a structure of this size and weight.
Cirigliano, V., Diaz-Calderon, D., Falkowski, A., Gonzalez-Alonso, M., & Rodriguez-Sanchez, A. (2022). Semileptonic tau decays beyond the Standard Model. J. High Energy Phys., 04(4), 152–61pp.
Abstract: Hadronic tau decays are studied as probe of new physics. We determine the dependence of several inclusive and exclusive tau observables on the Wilson coefficients of the low-energy effective theory describing charged-current interactions between light quarks and leptons. The analysis includes both strange and non-strange decay channels. The main result is the likelihood function for the Wilson coefficients in the tau sector, based on the up-to-date experimental measurements and state-of-the-art theoretical techniques. The likelihood can be readily combined with inputs from other low-energy precision observables. We discuss a combination with nuclear beta, baryon, pion, and kaon decay data. In particular, we provide a comprehensive and model-independent description of the new physics hints in the combined dataset, which are known under the name of the Cabibbo anomaly.
Davier, M., Diaz-Calderon, D., Malaescu, B., Pich, A., Rodriguez-Sanchez, A., & Zhang, Z. (2023). The Euclidean Adler function and its interplay with Delta alpha(had)(QED) and alpha(s). J. High Energy Phys., 04(4), 067–57pp.
Abstract: Three different approaches to precisely describe the Adler function in the Euclidean regime at around 2 GeVs are available: dispersion relations based on the hadronic production data in e(+)e(-) annihilation, lattice simulations and perturbative QCD (pQCD). We make a comprehensive study of the perturbative approach, supplemented with the leading power corrections in the operator product expansion. All known contributions are included, with a careful assessment of uncertainties. The pQCD predictions are compared with the Adler functions extracted from ?a( QED)(had)(Q(2)), using both the DHMZ compilation of e(+)e(-) data and published lattice results. Taking as input the FLAG value of a(s), the pQCD Adler function turns out to be in good agreement with the lattice data, while the dispersive results lie systematically below them. Finally, we explore the sensitivity to a(s) of the direct comparison between the data-driven, lattice and QCD Euclidean Adler functions. The precision with which the renormalisation group equation can be tested is also evaluated.