Perez-Cerdan, A. B., Rubio, B., Gelletly, W., Algora, A., Agramunt, J., Burkard, K., et al. (2011). beta decay of (78)Sr. Phys. Rev. C, 84(5), 054311–15pp.
Abstract: The gamma rays and conversion electrons emitted in the beta decay of (78)Sr to levels in (78)Rb have been studied using Ge detectors and a mini-orange spectrometer. A reliable level scheme based on the results of these experiments has been established. The properties of the levels in (78)Rb have been compared with calculations based on deformed Hartree-Fock with Skyrme interactions and pairing correlations in the BCS approximation. This has allowed an interpretation of the nature of the observed sets of levels in the odd-odd nucleus (78)Rb.