Barrientos, D., Bellato, M., Bazzacco, D., Bortolato, D., Cocconi, P., Gadea, A., et al. (2015). Performance of the Fully Digital FPGA-Based Front-End Electronics for the GALILEO Array. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 62(6), 3134–3139.
Abstract: In this work we present the architecture and results of a fully digital Front End Electronics (FEE) read out system developed for the GALILEO array. The FEE system, developed in collaboration with the Advanced Gamma Tracking Array (AGATA) collaboration, is composed of three main blocks: preamplifiers, digitizers and preprocessing electronics. The slow control system contains a custom Linux driver, a dynamic library and a server implementing network services. This work presents the first results of the digital FEE system coupled with a GALILEO germanium detector, which has demonstrated the capability to achieve an energy resolution of 1.53% at an energy of 1.33 MeV, similar to the one obtained with a conventional analog system. While keeping a good performance in terms of energy resolution, digital electronics will allow to instrument the full GALILEO array with a versatile system with high integration and low power consumption and costs.
Barrientos, D., Gonzalez, V., Bellato, M., Gadea, A., Bazzacco, D., Blasco, J. M., et al. (2013). Multiple Register Synchronization With a High-Speed Serial Link Using the Aurora Protocol. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 60(5), 3521–3525.
Abstract: In this work, the development and characterization of a multiple synchronous registers interface communicating with a high-speed serial link and using the Aurora protocol is presented. A detailed description of the developing process and the characterization methods and hardware test benches are also included. This interface will implement the slow control buses of the digitizer cards for the second generation of electronics for the Advanced GAmma Tracking Array (AGATA).