Escrig, S. et al, Bernabeu, J., Lacasta, C., & Solaz, C. (2024). First test of energy response of the micro-vertex detection system for the WASA-FRS Experiments. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A, 1064, 169392–4pp.
Abstract: The hypernuclei, which are nuclei that contain the quark s, have been studied for more than 50 years. Notwithstanding, the recent experiments using high-energy heavy-ion induced reactions have challenged their current understanding. The high multiplicity of particles generated in the reaction allows for the measurement of the interaction point of the primary beam with the target. Then, a micro-vertex detection system for the WASA-FRS Experiments has been developed. Several experimental tests have been performed with Sr-90 and Bi-207 beta sources and a 10-MeV proton beam at the CMAM tandem accelerator, and their results are reported.
El-Neaj, Y. A. et al, & Bernabeu, J. (2020). AEDGE: Atomic Experiment for Dark Matter and Gravity Exploration in Space. EPJ Quantum Technol., 7(1), 6–27pp.
Abstract: We propose in this White Paper a concept for a space experiment using cold atoms to search for ultra-light dark matter, and to detect gravitational waves in the frequency range between the most sensitive ranges of LISA and the terrestrial LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA/INDIGO experiments. This interdisciplinary experiment, called Atomic Experiment for Dark Matter and Gravity Exploration (AEDGE), will also complement other planned searches for dark matter, and exploit synergies with other gravitational wave detectors. We give examples of the extended range of sensitivity to ultra-light dark matter offered by AEDGE, and how its gravitational-wave measurements could explore the assembly of super-massive black holes, first-order phase transitions in the early universe and cosmic strings. AEDGE will be based upon technologies now being developed for terrestrial experiments using cold atoms, and will benefit from the space experience obtained with, e.g., LISA and cold atom experiments in microgravity. KCL-PH-TH/2019-65, CERN-TH-2019-126
Borja-Lloret, M., Barrientos, L., Bernabeu, J., Lacasta, C., Muñoz, E., Ros, A., et al. (2023). Influence of the background in Compton camera images for proton therapy treatment monitoring. Phys. Med. Biol., 68(14), 144001–16pp.
Abstract: Objective. Background events are one of the most relevant contributions to image degradation in Compton camera imaging for hadron therapy treatment monitoring. A study of the background and its contribution to image degradation is important to define future strategies to reduce the background in the system. Approach. In this simulation study, the percentage of different kinds of events and their contribution to the reconstructed image in a two-layer Compton camera have been evaluated. To this end, GATE v8.2 simulations of a proton beam impinging on a PMMA phantom have been carried out, for different proton beam energies and at different beam intensities. Main results. For a simulated Compton camera made of Lanthanum (III) Bromide monolithic crystals, coincidences caused by neutrons arriving from the phantom are the most common type of background produced by secondary radiations in the Compton camera, causing between 13% and 33% of the detected coincidences, depending on the beam energy. Results also show that random coincidences are a significant cause of image degradation at high beam intensities, and their influence in the reconstructed images is studied for values of the time coincidence windows from 500 ps to 100 ns. Significance. Results indicate the timing capabilities required to retrieve the fall-off position with good precision. Still, the noise observed in the image when no randoms are considered make us consider further background rejection methods.
Bevan, A. J. et al, Martinez-Vidal, F., Pich, A., Azzolini, V., Bernabeu, J., Lopez-March, N., et al. (2014). The Physics of the B Factories. Eur. Phys. J. C, 74(11), 3026–916pp.
Bernabeu, J., & Segarra, A. (2018). Stimulated transitions in resonant atom Majorana mixing. J. High Energy Phys., 02(2), 017–16pp.
Abstract: Massive neutrinos demand to ask whether they are Dirac or Majorana particles. Majorana neutrinos are an irrefutable proof of physics beyond the Standard Model. Neutrinoless double electron capture is not a process but a virtual Delta L = 2 mixing between a parent (A)Z atom and a daughter (A)(Z – 2) excited atom with two electron holes. As a mixing between two neutral atoms and the observable signal in terms of emitted two-hole X-rays, the strategy, experimental signature and background are different from neutrinoless double beta decay. The mixing is resonantly enhanced for almost degeneracy and, under these conditions, there is no irreducible background from the standard two-neutrino channel. We reconstruct the natural time history of a nominally stable parent atom since its production either by nature or in the laboratory. After the time periods of atom oscillations and the decay of the short-lived daughter atom, at observable times the relevant 'stationary" states are the mixed metastable long-lived state and the non-orthogonal short-lived excited state, as well as the ground state of the daughter atom. We find that they have a natural population inversion which is most appropriate for exploiting the bosonic nature of the observed atomic transitions radiation. Among different observables of the atom Majorana mixing, we include the enhanced rate of stimulated X-ray emission from the long-lived metastable state by a high-intensity X-ray beam: a gain factor of 100 can be envisaged at current XFEL facilities. On the other hand, the historical population of the daughter atom ground state can be probed by exciting it with a current pulsed optical laser, showing the characteristic absorption lines: the whole population can be excited in a shorter time than typical pulse duration.
Bernabeu, J., & Segarra, A. (2018). Signatures of the genuine and matter-induced components of the CP violation asymmetry in neutrino oscillations. J. High Energy Phys., 11(11), 063–26pp.
Abstract: CP asymmetries for neutrino oscillations in matter can be disentangled into the matter-induced CPT-odd (T-invariant) component and the genuine T-odd (CPT-invariant) component. For their understanding in terms of the relevant ingredients, we develop a new perturbative expansion in both m2| without any assumptions between m2 and a, and study the subtleties of the vacuum limit in the two terms of the CP asymmetry, moving from the CPT-invariant vacuum limit a 0 to the T-invariant limit m20. In the experimental region of terrestrial accelerator neutrinos, we calculate their approximate expressions from which we prove that, at medium baselines, the CPT-odd component is small and nearly -independent, so it can be subtracted from the experimental CP asymmetry as a theoretical background, provided the hierarchy is known. At long baselines, on the other hand, we find that (i) a Hierarchy-odd term in the CPT-odd component dominates the CP asymmetry for energies above the first oscillation node, and (ii) the CPT-odd term vanishes, independent of the CP phase , at E = 0.92 GeV (L/1300 km) near the second oscillation maximum, where the T-odd term is almost maximal and proportional to sin . A measurement of the CP asymmetry in these energy regions would thus provide separate information on (i) the neutrino mass ordering, and (ii) direct evidence of genuine CP violation in the lepton sector.
Bernabeu, J., & Segarra, A. (2018). Disentangling Genuine from Matter-Induced CP Violation in Neutrino Oscillations. Phys. Rev. Lett., 121(21), 211802–5pp.
Abstract: We prove that, in any flavor transition, neutrino oscillation CP-violating asymmetries in matter have two disentangled components: (i) a CPT-odd T-invariant term, non-vanishing iff there are interactions with matter, and (ii) a T-odd CPT-invariant term, non-vanishing iff there is genuine CP violation. As function of the baseline, these two terms are distinct L-even and L-odd observables to separately test (i) matter effects sensitive to the neutrino hierarchy and (ii) genuine CP violation in the neutrino sector. For the golden nu(mu) -> nu(e) channel, the different energy distributions of the two components provide a signature of their separation. At long baselines, they show oscillations in the low and medium energy regions, with zeros at different positions and peculiar behavior around the zeros. We discover a magic energy E = (0.91 +/- 0.01) GeV at L = 1300 km with vanishing CPT-odd component and maximal genuine CP asymmetry proportional to sin delta, with delta the weak CP phase. For energies above 1.5 GeV, the sign of the CP asymmetry discriminates the neutrino hierarchy.
Bernabeu, J., & Segarra, A. (2019). Do T asymmetries for neutrino oscillations in uniform matter have a CP-even component? J. High Energy Phys., 03(3), 103–12pp.
Abstract: Observables of neutrino oscillations in matter have, in general, contributions from the effective matter potential. It contaminates the CP violation asymmetry adding a fake effect that has been recently disentangled from the genuine one by their different behavior under T and CPT. Is the genuine T-odd CPT-invariant component of the CP asymmetry coincident with the T asymmetry? Contrary to CP, matter effects in uniform matter cannot induce by themselves a non-vanishing T asymmetry; however, the question of the title remained open. We demonstrate that, in the presence of genuine CP violation, there is a new non-vanishing CP-even, and so CPT-odd, component in the T asymmetry in matter, which is of odd-parity in both the phase delta of the flavor mixing and the matter parameter a. The two disentangled components, genuine A(alpha beta)(T;CP) and fake A(alpha beta)(T;CPT), could be experimentally separated by the measurement of the two T asymmetries in matter (nu(alpha) <-> nu(beta)) and ((nu) over bar <-> (nu) over bar (beta)). For the (nu(mu) <-> nu(e)) transitions, the energy dependence of the new A(mu e)(T;CPT) component is like the matter-induced term A(mu e)(CP;CPT) of the CP asymmetry which is odd under a change of the neutrino mass hierarchy. We have thus completed the physics involved in all observable asymmetries in matter by means of their disentanglement into the three independent components, genuine A(alpha beta)(CP;T) and fake A(alpha beta)(CP;CPT) and A(alpha beta)(T;CPT).
Bernabeu, J., Sabulsky, D. O., Sanchez, F., & Segarra, A. (2024). Neutrino mass and nature through its mediation in atomic clock interference. AVS Quantum Sci., 6(1), 014410–8pp.
Abstract: The absolute mass of neutrinos and their nature are presently unknown. Aggregate matter has a coherent weak charge leading to a repulsive interaction mediated by a neutrino pair. The virtual neutrinos are non-relativistic at micron distances, giving a distinct behavior for Dirac versus Majorana mass terms. This effective potential allows for the disentanglement of the Dirac or Majorana nature of the neutrino via magnitude and distance dependence. We propose an experiment to search for this potential based on the concept that the density-dependent interaction of an atomic probe with a material source in one arm of an atomic clock interferometer generates a differential phase. The appropriate geometry of the device is selected using the saturation of the weak potential as a guide. The proposed experiment has the added benefit of being sensitive to gravity at micron distances. A strategy to suppress the competing Casimir-Polder interaction, depending on the electronic structure of the material source, as well as a way to compensate the gravitational interaction in the two arms of the interferometer is discussed.
Bernabeu, J., & Navarro-Salas, J. (2019). A Non-Local Action for Electrodynamics: Duality Symmetry and the Aharonov-Bohm Effect, Revisited. Symmetry-Basel, 11(10), 1191–13pp.
Abstract: A non-local action functional for electrodynamics depending on the electric and magnetic fields, instead of potentials, has been proposed in the literature. In this work we elaborate and improve this proposal. We also use this formalism to confront the electric-magnetic duality symmetry of the electromagnetic field and the Aharonov-Bohm effect, two subtle aspects of electrodynamics that we examine in a novel way. We show how the former can be derived from the simple harmonic oscillator character of vacuum electrodynamics, while also demonstrating how the magnetic version of the latter naturally arises in an explicitly non-local manner.