Baru, V., Dong, X. K., Du, M. L., Filin, A., Guo, F. K., Hanhart, C., et al. (2022). Effective range expansion for narrow near-threshold resonances. Phys. Lett. B, 833, 137290–7pp.
Abstract: We discuss some general features of the effective range expansion, the content of its parameters with respect to the nature of the pertinent near-threshold states and the necessary modifications in the presence of coupled channels, isospin violations and unstable constituents. As illustrative examples, we analyse the properties of the chi(c1)(3872) and T-cc(+) states supporting the claim that these exotic states have a predominantly molecular nature.
Du, M. L., Baru, V., Dong, X. K., Filin, A., Guo, F. K., Hanhart, C., et al. (2022). Coupled-channel approach to T-cc(+) including three-body effects. Phys. Rev. D, 105(1), 014024–19pp.
Abstract: A coupled-channel approach is applied to the charged tetraquark state T-cc(+). recently discovered by the LHCb Collaboration. The parameters of the interaction are fixed by a fit to the observed line shape in the three-body (DD0)-D-0 pi(+) channel. Special attention is paid to the three-body dynamics in the T-cc(+) due to the finite life time of the D*. An approach to the T-cc(+) is argued to be self-consistent only if both manifestations of the three-body dynamics, the pion exchange between the D and D* mesons and the finite D* width, are taken into account simultaneously to ensure that three-body unitarity is preserved. This is especially important to precisely extract the pole position in the complex energy plane whose imaginary part is very sensitive to the details of the coupled-channel scheme employed. The (DD0)-D-0 and (DD+)-D-0 invariant mass distributions, predicted based on this analysis, are in good agreement with the LHCb data. The low-energy expansion of the D* D scattering amplitude is performed and the low-energy constants (the scattering length and effective range) are extracted. The compositeness parameter of the T-cc(+) is found to be close to unity, which implies that the T-cc(+) is a hadronic molecule generated by the interactions in the D*D-+(0) and D*D-0(+) channels. Employing heavy-quark spin symmetry, an isoscalar D* D* molecular partner of the T-cc(+) with J(P) = 1(+ )is predicted under the assumption that the DD* -D* D* coupled-channel effects can be neglected.
Du, M. L., Baru, V., Guo, F. K., Hanhart, C., Meissner, U. G., Oller, J. A., et al. (2021). Revisiting the nature of the P-c pentaquarks. J. High Energy Phys., 08(8), 157–50pp.
Abstract: The nature of the three narrow hidden-charm pentaquark P-c states, i.e., P-c (4312), P-c (4440) and P-c (4457), is under intense discussion since their discovery from the updated analysis of the process Lambda(0)(b) -> I ) J/psi pK(-) by LHCb. In this work we extend our previous coupled-channel approach [Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 072001 (2020)], in which the Pc states are treated as Sigma(()(c)*()) (D) over bar (()*()) molecules, by including the Lambda(c)(D) over bar (()*()) and eta(c)p as explicit inelastic channels in addition to the J/psi p, as required by unitarity and heavy quark spin symmetry (HQSS), respectively. Since inelastic parameters are very badly constrained by the current data, three calculation schemes are considered: (a) scheme I with pure contact interactions between the elastic, i.e., Sigma(()(c)*()) (D) over bar (()*()), and inelastic channels and without the Lambda(c)(D) over bar (()*()) interactions, (b) scheme II, where the one-pion exchange (OPE) is added to scheme I, and (c) scheme III, where the Lambda(c)(D) over bar (()*()) interactions are included in addition. It is shown that to obtain cutoff independent results, OPE in the multichannel system is to be supplemented with S-wave-to-D-wave mixing contact terms. As a result, in line with our previous analysis, we demonstrate that the experimental data for the J/psi p invariant mass distribution are consistent with the interpretation of the P-c(4312) and P-c(4440)/P-c(4457) as Sigma(c)(D) over bar and Sigma(c)(D) over bar* hadronic molecules, respectively, and that the data show clear evidence for a new narrow state, P-c(4380), identified as a Sigma(c)*(D) over bar molecule, which should exist as a consequence of HQSS. While two statistically equally good solutions are found in scheme I, only one of these solutions with the quantum numbers of the P-c (4440) and P-c (4457) being J(P) = 3/2(-) and 1/2(-), respectively, survives the requirement of regulator independence once the OPE is included. Moreover, we predict the line shapes in the elastic and inelastic channels and demonstrate that those related to the P-c (4440) and the P-c (4457) in the Sigma(()(c)*())<(D)over ( )anf eta(c)p mass distributions from Lambda(0)(b) ->( )Sigma(()(c)*()) (D) over barK(-) and Lambda(0)(b) -> eta(c)pK(-) will shed light on the quantum numbers of those states, once the data are available. We also investigate possible pentaquark signals in the Lambda(c)(D) over bar (()*()) final states.
Du, M. L., Filin, A., Baru, V., Dong, X. K., Epelbaum, E., Guo, F. K., et al. (2023). Role of Left-Hand Cut Contributions on Pole Extractions from Lattice Data: Case Study for Tcc(3875)+. Phys. Rev. Lett., 131(13), 131903–7pp.
Abstract: We discuss recent lattice data for the T-cc(3875)(+) state to stress, for the first time, a potentially strong impact of left-hand cuts from the one-pion exchange on the pole extraction for near-threshold exotic states. In particular, if the left-hand cut is located close to the two-particle threshold, which happens naturally in the DD* system for the pion mass exceeding its physical value, the effective-range expansion is valid only in a very limited energy range up to the cut and as such is of little use to reliably extract the poles. Then, an accurate extraction of the pole locations requires the one-pion exchange to be implemented explicitly into the scattering amplitudes. Our findings are general and potentially relevant for a wide class of hadronic near-threshold states.
Shi, P. P., Baru, V., Guo, F. K., Hanhart, C., & Nefediev, A. (2024). Production of the X(4014) as the Spin-2 Partner of X(3872) in e + e – Collisions. Chin. Phys. Lett., 41(3), 031301–7pp.
Abstract: In 2021, the Belle collaboration reported the first observation of a new structure in the psi(2S)gamma final state produced in the two-photon fusion process. In the hadronic molecule picture, this new structure can be associated with the shallow isoscalar D*D* bound state and as such is an excellent candidate for the spin-2 partner of the X(3872) with the quantum numbers J(PC) = 2(++) conventionally named X-2. In this work we evaluate the electronic width of this new state and argue that its nature is sensitive to its total width, the experimental measurement currently available being unable to distinguish between different options. Our estimates demonstrate that the planned Super tau-Charm Facility offers a promising opportunity to search for and study this new state in the invariant mass distributions for the final states J/psi gamma and psi(2S)gamma.