T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Antonova, M., Cervera-Villanueva, A., Fernandez, P., Izmaylov, A., & Novella, P. (2019). Search for neutral-current induced single photon production at the ND280 near detector in T2K. J. Phys. G, 46(8), 08LT01–16pp.
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T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Antonova, M., Cervera-Villanueva, A., & Novella, P. (2021). Measurements of (nu)over-bar(mu) and (nu)over-bar(mu) + nu(mu) charged-current cross-sections without detected pions or protons on water and hydrocarbon at a mean anti-neutrino energy of 0.86 GeV. Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys., 2021(4), 043C01–28pp.
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DUNE Collaboration(Abi, B. et al), Antonova, M., Barenboim, G., Cervera-Villanueva, A., De Romeri, V., Fernandez Menendez, P., et al. (2021). Searching for solar KDAR with DUNE. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 10(10), 065–28pp.
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T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Antonova, M., Cervera-Villanueva, A., Fernandez, P., Izmaylov, A., & Novella, P. (2019). Measurement of the muon neutrino charged-current cross sections on water, hydrocarbon and iron, and their ratios, with the T2K on-axis detectors. Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys., (9), 093C02–30pp.
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T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Antonova, M., Cervera-Villanueva, A., Fernandez, P., Izmaylov, A., & Novella, P. (2020). Measurement of the charged-current electron (anti-)neutrino inclusive cross-sections at the T2K off-axis near detector ND280. J. High Energy Phys., 10(10), 114–43pp.
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DUNE Collaboration(Abi, B. et al), Antonova, M., Barenboim, G., Cervera-Villanueva, A., De Romeri, V., Fernandez Menendez, P., et al. (2021). Prospects for beyond the Standard Model physics searches at the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment DUNE Collaboration. Eur. Phys. J. C, 81(4), 322–51pp.
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T2K Collaboration(Abe, K. et al), Antonova, M., Cervera-Villanueva, A., Fernandez, P., Izmaylov, A., & Novella, P. (2020). Constraint on the matter-antimatter symmetry-violating phase in neutrino oscillations. Nature, 580(7803), 339–344.
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DUNE Collaboration(Abi, B. et al), Antonova, M., Barenboim, G., Cervera-Villanueva, A., De Romeri, V., Fernandez Menendez, P., et al. (2021). Supernova neutrino burst detection with the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment. Eur. Phys. J. C, 81(5), 423–26pp.
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DUNE Collaboration(Abud, A. A. et al), Antonova, M., Barenboim, G., Cervera-Villanueva, A., De Romeri, V., Fernandez Menendez, P., et al. (2022). Scintillation light detection in the 6-m drift-length ProtoDUNE Dual Phase liquid argon TPC. Eur. Phys. J. C, 82(7), 618–29pp.
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DUNE Collaboration(Abud, A. A. et al), Amedo, P., Antonova, M., Barenboim, G., Cervera-Villanueva, A., De Romeri, V., et al. (2023). Reconstruction of interactions in the ProtoDUNE-SP detector with Pandora. Eur. Phys. J. C, 83(7), 618–25pp.
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