Aiola, S., Amhis, Y., Billoir, P., Jashal, B. K., Henry, L., Oyanguren, A., et al. (2021). Hybrid seeding: A standalone track reconstruction algorithm for scintillating fibre tracker at LHCb. Comput. Phys. Commun., 260, 107713–5pp.
Abstract: We describe the Hybrid seeding, a stand-alone pattern recognition algorithm aiming at finding charged particle trajectories for the LHCb upgrade. A significant improvement to the charged particle reconstruction efficiency is accomplished by exploiting the knowledge of the LHCb magnetic field and the position of energy deposits in the scintillating fibre tracker detector. Moreover, we achieve a low fake rate and a small contribution to the overall timing budget of the LHCb real-time data processing.
Aiola, S., Bandiera, L., Cavoto, G., De Benedetti, F., Fu, J., Guidi, V., et al. (2021). Progress towards the first measurement of charm baryon dipole moments. Phys. Rev. D, 103(7), 072003–15pp.
Abstract: Electromagnetic dipole moments of short-lived particles are sensitive to physics within and beyond the Standard Model of particle physics but have not been accessible experimentally to date. To perform such measurements it has been proposed to exploit the spin precession of channeled particles in bent crystals at the LHC. Progress that enables the first measurement of charm baryon dipole moments is reported. In particular, the design and characterization on beam of silicon and germanium bent crystal prototypes, the optimization of the experimental setup, and advanced analysis techniques are discussed. Sensitivity studies show that first measurements of Lambda(+)(c) and Xi(+)(c) baryon dipole moments can he performed in two years of data taking with an experimental setup positioned upstream of the LHCb detector.