Aceti, F., Bayar, M., Dias, J. M., & Oset, E. (2014). Prediction of a Z(c)(4000) state and relationship with the claimed Z(c)(4025). Eur. Phys. J. A, 50(6), 103–13pp.
Abstract: After discussing the OZI suppression of one light meson exchange in the interaction of with isospin I = 1 , we study the contribution of the two-pion exchange to the interaction and the exchange of heavy vectors, J/psi for diagonal transitions and D-* for transitions of to J/psi rho. We find these latter mechanisms to be weak, but enough to barely bind the system in J = 2 with a mass around 4000 MeV, while the effect of the two-pion exchange is a net attraction, though weaker than that from heavy-vector exchange. We discuss this state and try to relate it to the Z (c) (4025) state, above the threshold, claimed in an experiment at BES from an enhancement of the distribution close to threshold. Together with the results from a recent reanalysis of the BES experiment showing that it is compatible with a J = 2 state below threshold around 3990 MeV, we conclude that the BES experiment could show the existence of the state that we find in our approach.
Aceti, F., Dai, L. R., Geng, L. S., Oset, E., & Zhang, Y. (2014). Meson-baryon components in the states of the baryon decuplet. Eur. Phys. J. A, 50(3), 57–11pp.
Abstract: We apply an extension of the Weinberg compositeness condition on partial waves of L = 1 and resonant states to determine the weight of the meson-baryon component in the Delta(1232) resonance and the other members of the baryon decuplet. We obtain an appreciable weight of pi N in the Delta(1232) wave function, of the order of 60%, which looks more natural when one recalls that experiments on deep inelastic and Drell Yan give a fraction of pi N component of 34% for the nucleon. We also show that, as we go to higher energies in the members of the decuplet, the weights of the meson-baryon component decrease and they already show a dominant part for a genuine, non-meson-baryon, component in the wave function. We write a section to interpret the meaning of the Weinberg sum rule when it is extended to complex energies and another one for the case of an energy-dependent potential.
Aceti, F., Dias, J. M., & Oset, E. (2015). f(1)(1285) decays into a(0)(980) pi(0), f(0)(980) pi(0) and isospin breaking. Eur. Phys. J. A, 51(4), 48–8pp.
Abstract: We evaluate the decay width for the processes f1(1285). p 0 a0(980) and f1(1285). p 0 f0(980) taking into account that all three resonances are dynamically generated from the meson- meson interaction, the f1(1285) from K* K – c. c. and the a0(980), f0(980) from p., K K and pp, K _ K, respectively. We use a triangular mechanism similar to that of.(1405). pp., which provides a decay width for f1(1285). p 0 a0(980) with a branching fraction of the order of 30%, in agreement with experiment. At the same time we evaluate the decay width for the isospin- forbidden f1(1285). p 0 f0(980), which appears when we consider different masses for the charged and neutral kaons, and show that it is much more suppressed than in the.(1405). pp. case, but gives rise to a narrow shape of the p + p- distribution similar to the one found in the eta(1405) -> pi pi eta decay.
Xiao, C. W., Aceti, F., & Bayar, M. (2013). The small K pi component in the K* wave functions. Eur. Phys. J. A, 49(2), 22–5pp.
Abstract: We use a recently developed formalism which generalizes Weinberg's compositeness condition to partial waves higher than s-wave in order to determine the probability of having a K pi component in the K* wave function. A fit is made to the K pi phase shifts in p-wave, from where the coupling of K* to K pi and the K pi loop function are determined. These ingredients allow us to determine that the K* is a genuine state, different from a K pi component, in a proportion of about 80%.