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Author Gola, S.; Mandal, S.; Sinha, N.
Title ALP-portal majorana dark matter Type Journal Article
Year 2022 Publication International Journal of Modern Physics A Abbreviated Journal Int. J. Mod. Phys. A
Volume 37 Issue Pages 2250131 - 14pp
Keywords Axion like particle; heavy neutrinos; dark matter
Abstract Axion like particles (ALPs) and right-handed neutrinos (RHNs) are two well-motivated dark matter (DM) candidates. However, these two particles have a completely different origin. Axion was proposed to solve the strong CP problem, whereas RHNs were introduced to explain light neutrino masses through seesaw mechanisms. We study the case of ALP portal RHN DM (Majorana DM) taking into account existing constraints on ALPs. We consider the leading effective operators mediating interactions between the ALP and Standard Model (SM) particles and three RHNs to generate light neutrino masses through type-I seesaw. Further, ALP-RHN neutrino coupling is introduced to generalize the model which is restricted by the relic density and indirect detection constraint.
Address [Gola, Shivam; Sinha, Nita] Inst Math Sci, CIT Campus, Chennai 600113, Tamil Nadu, India, Email: shivamg@imsc.res.in;
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0217-751x ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000854297000001 Approved (down) no
Is ISI yes International Collaboration yes
Call Number IFIC @ pastor @ Serial 5359
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