Record |
Links |
Author  |
Geng, L.S.; Guo, F.K.; Hanhart, C.; Molina, R.; Oset, E.; Zou, B.S. |

Title |
Study of the f(2)(1270) , f(2)'(1525) , f(0)(1370) and f(0)(1710) in the J/psi radiative decays |
Type |
Journal Article |
Year |
2010 |
Publication |
European Physical Journal A |
Abbreviated Journal |
Eur. Phys. J. A |
Volume |
44 |
Issue |
2 |
Pages |
305-311 |
Keywords |
Abstract |
In this paper we present an approach to study the radiative decay modes of the J/psi into a photon and one of the tensor mesons f (2)(1270) , f' (2)(1525) , as well as the scalar ones f (0)(1370) and f (0)(1710) . Especially, we compare predictions that emerge from a scheme where the states appear dynamically in the solution of vector meson-vector meson scattering amplitudes to those from a (admittedly naive) quark model. We provide evidence that it might be possible to distinguish amongst the two scenarios, once improved data are available. |
Address |
[Geng, L. S.; Molina, R.; Oset, E.] Univ Valencia, Ctr Mixto, CSIC, Dept Fis Teor,Inst Invest Paterna, Valencia 46071, Spain, Email: lsgeng@ific.uv.es |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Springer |
Place of Publication |
Editor |
Language |
English |
Summary Language |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
1434-6001 |
Medium |
Area |
Expedition |
Conference |
Notes |
ISI:000277182900014 |
Approved |
no |
Is ISI |
yes |
International Collaboration |
yes |
Call Number |
IFIC @ elepoucu @ |
Serial |
466 |
Permanent link to this record |