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Author (up) Celis, A.; Jung, M.; Li, X.Q.; Pich, A.
Title Scalar contributions to b -> c(u) tau nu transitions Type Journal Article
Year 2017 Publication Physics Letters B Abbreviated Journal Phys. Lett. B
Volume 771 Issue Pages 168-179
Abstract We perform a comprehensive analysis of scalar contributions in b -> c tau nu transitions including the latest measurements of R(D-(*)), the q(2) differential distributions in B -> D-(*) tau nu the tau polarization asymmetry for B -> D*tau nu, and the bound derived from the total width of the B-c meson. We find that scalar contributions with the simultaneous presence of both left- and right-handed couplings to quarks can explain the available data, specifically R(D-(*)) together with the measured differential distributions. However, the constraints from the total B-c width present a slight tension with the current data on B -> D*tau nu in this scenario, preferring smaller values for R(D*). We discuss possibilities to disentangle scalar new physics from other new-physics scenarios like the presence of only a left-handed vector current, via additional observables in B -> D(*)tau nu decays or additional decay modes like the baryonic Lambda(b) -> Lambda(c)tau nu and the inclusive B -> X-c tau nu decays. We also analyze scalar contributions in b -> u tau nu transitions, including the latest measurements of B -> tau nu providing predictions for Lambda(b) -> p tau nu and B -> pi tau nu decays. The potential complementarity between the b -> u and b -> c sectors is finally investigated once assumptions about the flavour structure of the underlying theory are made.
Address [Celis, Alejandro] Ludwig Maximilians Univ Munchen, Fak Phys, Arnold Sommerfeld Ctr Theoret Phys, D-80333 Munich, Germany, Email: xqli@itp.ac.cn
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Elsevier Science Bv Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0370-2693 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000406183300024 Approved no
Is ISI yes International Collaboration yes
Call Number IFIC @ pastor @ Serial 3260
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