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Author (up) Celis, A.; Fuentes-Martin, J.; Serodio, H.
Title An invisible axion model with controlled FCNCs at tree level Type Journal Article
Year 2015 Publication Physics Letters B Abbreviated Journal Phys. Lett. B
Volume 741 Issue Pages 117-123
Abstract We derive the necessary conditions to build a class of invisible axion models with Flavor Changing Neutral Currents at tree-level controlled by the fermion mixing matrices and present an explicit model implementation. A horizontal Peccei-Quinn symmetry provides a solution to the strong CP problem via the Peccei-Quinn mechanism and predicts a cold dark mater candidate, the invisible axion or familon. The smallness of active neutrino masses can be explained via a type I seesaw mechanism, providing a dynamical origin for the heavy seesaw scale. The possibility to avoid the domain wall problem stands as one of the most interesting features of the type of models considered. Experimental limits relying on the axion-photon coupling, astrophysical considerations and familon searches in rare kaon and muon decays are discussed.
Address [Celis, Alejandro; Fuentes-Martin, Javier; Serodio, Hugo] Univ Valencia, CSIC, Dept Fis Teor, E-46100 Burjassot, Spain, Email: alejandro.celis@ific.uv.es;
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Elsevier Science Bv Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0370-2693 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000348290800016 Approved no
Is ISI yes International Collaboration yes
Call Number IFIC @ pastor @ Serial 2108
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