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Author Xiao, C.W.; Oset, E.
Title Hidden beauty baryon states in the local hidden gauge approach with heavy quark spin symmetry Type Journal Article
Year 2013 Publication European Physical Journal A Abbreviated Journal Eur. Phys. J. A
Volume 49 Issue 11 Pages 139 - 12pp
Abstract Using a coupled-channel unitary approach, combining the heavy quark spin symmetry and the dynamics of the local hidden gauge, we investigate the meson-baryon interaction with hidden beauty and obtain several new states of N around 11 GeV. We consider the basis of states eta (b) N, I'N, BI > (b) , BI pound (b) , B (*) I > (b) , B (*) I pound (b) , B (*) I pound (b) (*) and find four basic bound states which correspond to BI pound (b) , BI pound (b) (*) , B (*) I pound (b) and B (*) I pound (b) (*) , decaying mostly into eta (b) N and I'N and with a binding energy about 50-130 MeV with respect to the thresholds of the corresponding channel. All of them have isospin I = 1/2 , and we find no bound states or resonances in I = 3/2 . The BI pound (b) state appears in J = 1/2 , the BI pound (b) (*) in J = 3/2 , the B (*) I pound (b) appears nearly degenerate in J = 1/2 , 3/2 and the B (*) I pound (b) (*) appears nearly degenerate in J = 1/2 , 3/2, 5/2. These states have a width from 2-110 MeV, with conservative estimates of uncertainties, except for the one in J = 5/2 which has zero width since it cannot decay into any of the states of the basis chosen. We make generous estimates of the uncertainties and find that within very large margins these states appear bound.
Address [Xiao, C. W.] Univ Valencia, CSIC, Ctr Mixto, Inst Invest Paterna,Dept Fis Teor, Valencia 46071, Spain, Email: xiaochw@ific.uv.es
Corporate Author Thesis (up)
Publisher Springer Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 1434-6001 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000326721300001 Approved no
Is ISI yes International Collaboration no
Call Number IFIC @ pastor @ Serial 1647
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