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Author (up) Basilakos, S.; Mavromatos, N.E.; Mitsou, V.A.; Plionis, M.
Title Dynamics and constraints of the dissipative Liouville cosmology Type Journal Article
Year 2012 Publication Astroparticle Physics Abbreviated Journal Astropart Phys.
Volume 36 Issue 1 Pages 7-17
Keywords Cosmology; Dark matter; Dark energy
Abstract In this article we investigate the properties of the FLRW flat cosmological models in which the cosmic expansion of the Universe is affected by a dilaton dark energy (Liouville scenario). In particular, we perform a detailed study of these models in the light of the latest cosmological data, which serves to illustrate the phenomenological viability of the new dark energy paradigm as a serious alternative to the traditional scalar field approaches. By performing a joint likelihood analysis of the recent supernovae type la data (SNIa), the differential ages of passively evolving galaxies, and the baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAOs) traced by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), we put tight constraints on the main cosmological parameters. Furthermore, we study the linear matter fluctuation field of the above Liouville cosmological models. In this framework, we compare the observed growth rate of clustering measured from the optical galaxies with those predicted by the current Liouville models. Performing various statistical tests we show that the Liouville cosmological model provides growth rates that match well with the observed growth rate. To further test the viability of the models under study, we use the Press-Schechter formalism to derive their expected redshift distribution of cluster-size halos that will be provided by future X-ray and Sunyaev-Zeldovich cluster surveys. We find that the Hubble flow differences between the Liouville and the LambdaCDM models provide a significantly different halo redshift distribution, suggesting that the models can be observationally distinguished.
Address [Mitsou, Vasiliki A.] Univ Valencia, CSIC, Inst Fis Corpuscular IFIC, E-46071 Valencia, Spain, Email: vasiliki.mitsou@ific.uv.es
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Elsevier Science Bv Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0927-6505 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000309787000002 Approved no
Is ISI yes International Collaboration yes
Call Number IFIC @ pastor @ Serial 1188
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Author (up) Bellomo, N.; Bellini, E.; Hu, B.; Jimenez, R.; Pena-Garay, C.; Verde, L.
Title Hiding neutrino mass in modified gravity cosmologies Type Journal Article
Year 2017 Publication Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Abbreviated Journal J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys.
Volume 02 Issue 2 Pages 043 - 12pp
Keywords cosmological neutrinos; modified gravity; neutrino astronomy; neutrino masses from cosmology
Abstract Cosmological observables show a dependence with the neutrino mass, which is partially degenerate with parameters of extended models of gravity. We study and explore this degeneracy in Horndeski generalized scalar-tensor theories of gravity. Using forecasted cosmic microwave background and galaxy power spectrum datasets, we find that a single parameter in the linear regime of the effective theory dominates the correlation with the total neutrino mass. For any given mass, a particular value of this parameter approximately cancels the power suppression due to the neutrino mass at a given redshift. The extent of the cancellation of this degeneracy depends on the cosmological large-scale structure data used at different redshifts. We constrain the parameters and functions of the effective gravity theory and determine the influence of gravity on the determination of the neutrino mass from present and future surveys.
Address [Bellomo, Nicola; Bellini, Emilio; Hu, Bin; Jimenez, Raul; Verde, Licia] Univ Barcelona UB IEEC, ICC, Marti & Franques 1, Barcelona 08028, Spain, Email: nicola.bellomo@icc.ub.edu;
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Iop Publishing Ltd Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 1475-7516 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000399455000043 Approved no
Is ISI yes International Collaboration yes
Call Number IFIC @ pastor @ Serial 3078
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Author (up) Beltran Jimenez, J.; Heisenberg, L.; Olmo, G.J.
Title Tensor perturbations in a general class of Palatini theories Type Journal Article
Year 2015 Publication Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Abbreviated Journal J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys.
Volume 06 Issue 6 Pages 026 - 16pp
Keywords modified gravity; inflation; gravity; dark energy theory
Abstract We study a general class of gravitational theories formulated in the Palatini approach and derive the equations governing the evolution of tensor perturbations. In the absence of torsion, the connection can be solved as the Christoffel symbols of an auxiliary metric which is non-trivially related to the space-time metric. We then consider background solutions corresponding to a perfect fluid and show that the tensor perturbations equations (including anisotropic stresses) for the auxiliary metric around such a background take an Einstein-like form. This facilitates the study in a homogeneous and isotropic cosmological scenario where we explicitly establish the relation between the auxiliary metric and the spacetime metric tensor perturbations. As a general result, we show that both tensor perturbations coincide in the absence of anisotropic stresses.
Address [Jimenez, Jose Beltran] Univ Louvain, Inst Math & Phys, Ctr Cosmol Particle Phys & Phenomenol, B-1318 Louvain, Belgium, Email: jose.beltran@cpt.univ.mrs.fr;
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Iop Publishing Ltd Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 1475-7516 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000359215400027 Approved no
Is ISI yes International Collaboration yes
Call Number IFIC @ pastor @ Serial 2368
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Author (up) Beltran Jimenez, J.; Heisenberg, L.; Olmo, G.J.
Title Infrared lessons for ultraviolet gravity: the case of massive gravity and Born-lnfeld Type Journal Article
Year 2014 Publication Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Abbreviated Journal J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys.
Volume 11 Issue 11 Pages 004 - 26pp
Keywords modified gravity; alternatives to inflation; gravity
Abstract We generalize the ultraviolet sector of gravitation via a Born-Infeld action using lessons from massive gravity. The theory contains all of the elementary symmetric polynomials and is treated in the Palatini formalism. We show how the connection can be solved algebraically to be the Levi-Civita connection of an effective metric. The non-linearity of the algebraic equations yields several branches, one of which always reduces to General Relativity at low curvatures. We explore in detail a minimal version of the theory, for which we study solutions in the presence of a perfect fluid with special attention to the cosmological evolution. In vacuum we recover Ricci-flat solutions, but also an additional physical solution corresponding to an Einstein space. The existence of two physical branches remains for non-vacuum solutions and, in addition, the branch that connects to the Einstein space in vacuum is not very sensitive to the specific value of the energy density. For the branch that connects to the General Relativity limit we generically find three behaviours for the Hubble function depending on the equation of state of the fluid, namely: either there is a maximum value for the energy density that connects continuously with vacuum, or the energy density can be arbitrarily large but the Hubble function saturates and remains constant at high energy densities, or the energy density is unbounded and the Hubble function grows faster than in General Relativity. The second case is particularly interesting because it could offer an interesting inflationary epoch even in the presence of a dust component. Finally, we discuss the possibility of avoiding certain types of singularities within the minimal model.
Address [Jimenez, Jose Beltran] Univ Louvain, Ctr Cosmol Particle Phys & Phenomenol, Inst Math & Phys, B-1348 Louvain La Neuve, Belgium, Email: jose.beltran@uclouvain.be;
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Iop Publishing Ltd Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 1475-7516 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000346105300004 Approved no
Is ISI yes International Collaboration yes
Call Number IFIC @ pastor @ Serial 2039
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Author (up) Beltran Jimenez, J.; Heisenberg, L.; Olmo, G.J.; Ringeval, C.
Title Cascading dust inflation in Born-lnfeld gravity Type Journal Article
Year 2015 Publication Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Abbreviated Journal J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys.
Volume 11 Issue 11 Pages 046 - 30pp
Keywords modified gravity; inflation
Abstract In the framework of Born-Infeld inspired gravity theories, which deviates from General Relativity (GR) in the high curvature regime, we discuss the viability of Cosmic Inflation without scalar fields. For energy densities higher than the new mass scale of the theory, a gravitating (lust component is shown to generically induce an accelerated expansion of the Universe. Within such a simple scenario, inflation gracefiffly exits when the CR regime is recovered, but the Universe would remain matter dominated. In order to implement a reheating era after inflation, we then consider inflation to be driven by a mixture of unstable dust species decaying into radiation. Because the speed of sound gravitates within the BornInfeld model under consideration, our scenario ends up being predictive on various open questions of the inflationary paradigm. The total number of e-folds of acceleration is given by the lifetime of the unstable dust components and is related to the duration of reheating. As a result, inflation does not last much longer than the number of e-folds of deceleration allowing a small spatial curvature and large scale deviations to isotropy to be observable today. Energy densities are self-regulated as inflation can only start for a total energy density less than a threshold value, again related to the species' lifetime. Above this threshold, the Universe may bc nee thereby avoiding a singularity. Another distinctive feature is that the accelerated expansion is of the superinflationary ldnd, namely the first Hubble flow function is negative. We show however that the tensor modes are never excited and the tensor-to-scalar ratio is always vanishing, independently of the energy scale of inflation.
Address [Jimenez, Jose Beltran] Aix Marseille Univ, Ctr Phys Theor, UMR 7332, F-13288 Marseille, France, Email: jose.beltran@cpt.univ-mrs.fr;
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Iop Publishing Ltd Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 1475-7516 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000365821200047 Approved no
Is ISI yes International Collaboration yes
Call Number IFIC @ pastor @ Serial 2478
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Author (up) Beltran Jimenez, J.; Heisenberg, L.; Olmo, G.J.; Rubiera-Garcia, D.
Title On gravitational waves in Born-Infeld inspired non-singular cosmologies Type Journal Article
Year 2017 Publication Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Abbreviated Journal J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys.
Volume 10 Issue 10 Pages 029 - 23pp
Keywords alternatives to inflation; modified gravity; physics of the early universe; primordial gravitational waves (theory)
Abstract We study the evolution of gravitational waves for non-singular cosmological solutions within the framework of Born-Infeld inspired gravity theories, with special emphasis on the Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld theory. We review the existence of two types of non-singular cosmologies, namely bouncing and asymptotically Minkowski solutions, from a perspective that makes their features more apparent. We study in detail the propagation of gravitational waves near these non-singular solutions and carefully discuss the origin and severity of the instabilities and strong coupling problems that appear. We also investigate the role of the adiabatic sound speed of the matter sector in the regularisation of the gravitational waves evolution. We extend our analysis to more general Born-Infeld inspired theories where analogous solutions are found. As a general conclusion, we obtain that the bouncing solutions are generally more prone to instabilities, while the asymptotically Minkowski solutions can be rendered stable, making them appealing models for the early universe.
Address [Beltran Jimenez, Jose] Univ Toulon & Var, Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, CPT, Marseille, France, Email: jose.beltran@uam.es;
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Iop Publishing Ltd Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 1475-7516 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000413332400002 Approved no
Is ISI yes International Collaboration yes
Call Number IFIC @ pastor @ Serial 3337
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Author (up) Bennett, J.J.; Buldgen, G.; de Salas, P.F.; Drewes, M.; Gariazzo, S.; Pastor, S.; Wong, Y.Y.Y.
Title Towards a precision calculation of the effective number of neutrinos N-eff in the Standard Model. Part II. Neutrino decoupling in the presence of flavour oscillations and finite-temperature QED Type Journal Article
Year 2021 Publication Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Abbreviated Journal J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys.
Volume 04 Issue 4 Pages 073 - 33pp
Keywords cosmological neutrinos; neutrino properties; particle physics – cosmology connection; physics of the early universe
Abstract We present in this work a new calculation of the standard-model benchmark value for the effective number of neutrinos, N-eff(SM), that quantifies the cosmological neutrinoto-photon energy densities. The calculation takes into account neutrino flavour oscillations, finite-temperature effects in the quantum electrodynamics plasma to O(e(3)), where e is the elementary electric charge, and a full evaluation of the neutrino-neutrino collision integral. We provide furthermore a detailed assessment of the uncertainties in the benchmark N(eff)(SM )value, through testing the value's dependence on (i) optional approximate modelling of the weak collision integrals, (ii) measurement errors in the physical parameters of the weak sector, and (iii) numerical convergence, particularly in relation to momentum discretisation. Our new, recommended standard-model benchmark is N-eff(SM) 3.0440 +/- 0.0002, where the nominal uncertainty is attributed predominantly to errors incurred in the numerical solution procedure (vertical bar delta N-eff vertical bar similar to 10(-4)), augmented by measurement errors in the solar mixing angle sin(2) theta(12) (vertical bar delta N-eff vertical bar similar to 10(-4)).
Address [Bennett, Jack J.; Wong, Yvonne Y. Y.] Univ New South Wales, Sch Phys, Sydney Consortium Particle Phys & Cosmol, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia, Email: j.j.bennett@unsw.edu.au;
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Iop Publishing Ltd Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 1475-7516 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000647827600001 Approved no
Is ISI yes International Collaboration yes
Call Number IFIC @ pastor @ Serial 4827
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Author (up) Bernal, N.; Colucci, S.; Josse-Michaux, F.X.; Racker, J.; Ubaldi, L.
Title On baryogenesis from dark matter annihilation Type Journal Article
Year 2013 Publication Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Abbreviated Journal J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys.
Volume 10 Issue 10 Pages 035 - 30pp
Keywords dark matter theory; baryon asymmetry; leptogenesis
Abstract We study in detail the conditions to generate the baryon asymmetry of the universe from the annihilation of dark matter. This scenario requires a low energy mechanism for thermal baryogenesis, hence we first discuss some of these mechanisms together with the specific constraints due to the connection with the dark matter sector. Then we show that, contrary to what stated in previous studies, it is possible to generate the cosmological asymmetry without adding a light sterile dark sector, both in models with violation and with conservation of B – L. In addition, one of the models we propose yields some connection to neutrino masses.
Address [Bernal, Nicolas] Univ Estadual Paulista, ICTP South Amer Inst Fundamental Res, BR-01140070 Sao Paulo, Brazil, Email: nicolas@ift.unesp.br;
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Iop Publishing Ltd Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 1475-7516 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000326979500035 Approved no
Is ISI yes International Collaboration yes
Call Number IFIC @ pastor @ Serial 1659
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Author (up) Bernal, N.; Forero-Romero, J.E.; Garani, R.; Palomares-Ruiz, S.
Title Systematic uncertainties from halo asphericity in dark matter searches Type Journal Article
Year 2014 Publication Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Abbreviated Journal J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys.
Volume 09 Issue 9 Pages 004 - 30pp
Keywords dark matter theory; dark matter simulations
Abstract Although commonly assumed to be spherical, dark matter halos are predicted to be non-spherical by N-body simulations and their asphericity has a potential impact on the systematic uncertainties in dark matter searches. The evaluation of these uncertainties is the main aim of this work, where we study the impact of aspherical dark matter density distributions in Milky-Way-like halos on direct and indirect searches. Using data from the large N-body cosmological simulation Bolshoi, we perform a statistical analysis and quantify the systematic uncertainties on the determination of local dark matter density and the so-called J factors for dark matter annihilations and decays from the galactic center. We find that, due to our ignorance about the extent of the non-sphericity of the Milky Way dark matter halo, systematic uncertainties can be as large as 35%, within the 95% most probable region, for a spherically averaged value for the local density of 0.3-0.4 GeV/cm(3). Similarly, systematic uncertainties on the J factors evaluated around the galactic center can be as large as 10% and 15%, within the 95% most probable region, for dark matter annihilations and decays, respectively.
Address [Bernal, Nicolas] Univ Estadual Paulista, Inst Fis Teor, ICTP South Amer Inst Fundamental Res, BR-01405 Sao Paulo, Brazil, Email: nicolas@ift.unesp.br;
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Iop Publishing Ltd Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 1475-7516 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000342642500005 Approved no
Is ISI yes International Collaboration yes
Call Number IFIC @ pastor @ Serial 1958
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Author (up) Bernal, N.; Martin-Albo, J.; Palomares-Ruiz, S.
Title A novel way of constraining WIMPs annihilations in the Sun: MeV neutrinos Type Journal Article
Year 2013 Publication Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Abbreviated Journal J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys.
Volume 08 Issue 8 Pages 011 - 19pp
Keywords dark matter theory; neutrino detectors; neutrino experiments
Abstract Annihilation of dark matter particles accumulated in the Sun would produce a flux of high-energy neutrinos whose prospects of detection in neutrino telescopes and detectors have been extensively discussed in the literature. However, for annihilations into Standard Model particles, there would also be a flux of neutrinos in the MeV range from the decays at rest of muons and positively charged pions. These low-energy neutrinos have never been considered before and they open the possibility to also constrain dark matter annihilation in the Sun into e(+)e(-), mu(+)mu(-) or light quarks. Here we perform a detailed analysis using the recent Super-Kamiokande data in the few tens of MeV range to set limits on the WIMP-nucleon scattering cross section for different annihilation channels and computing the evaporation rate of WIMPs from the Sun for all values of the scattering cross section in a consistent way.
Address [Bernal, Nicolas] Univ Bonn, Bethe Ctr Theoret Phys, D-53115 Bonn, Germany, Email: nicolas@th.physik.uni-bonn.de;
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Iop Publishing Ltd Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 1475-7516 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000324032800014 Approved no
Is ISI yes International Collaboration yes
Call Number IFIC @ pastor @ Serial 1584
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