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Author Bayar, M.; Molina, R.; Oset, E.; Liu, M.Z.; Geng, L.S.
Title Subtleties in triangle loops for Ds+ → ρ+ η → π+ π0 η in a0(980) production Type Journal Article
Year (up) 2024 Publication Physical Review D Abbreviated Journal Phys. Rev. D
Volume 109 Issue 7 Pages 076027 - 7pp
Abstract We address a general problem in the evaluation of triangle loops stemming from the consideration of the range of the interaction involved in some of the vertices, as well as the energy dependence of the width of some unstable particles in the loop. We find sizeable corrections from both effects. We apply that to a loop relevant to the D + s -> pi + pi 0 eta decay, and find reductions of about a factor of 4 in the mass distribution of invariant mass of the pi eta in the region of the a 0 ( 980 ) . The method used is based on the explicit analytical evaluation of the q 0 integration in the d 4 q loop integration, using Cauchy 's residues method, which at the same time offers an insight on the convergence of the integrals and the effect of form factors and cutoffs.
Address [Bayar, M.] Kocaeli Univ, Dept Phys, TR-41380 Izmit, Turkiye, Email: melahat.bayar@kocaeli.edu;
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Amer Physical Soc Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 2470-0010 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:001236271000017 Approved no
Is ISI yes International Collaboration yes
Call Number IFIC @ pastor @ Serial 6211
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