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Greynat, D.; de Rafael, E.; Vulvert, G. Asymptotic behaviour of pion-pion total cross-sections 2014 Journal of High Energy Physics 03 107 - 21pp details   doi
ATLAS Collaboration (Aad, G. et al); Cabrera Urban, S.; Castillo Gimenez, V.; Costa, M.J.; Fassi, F.; Ferrer, A.; Fiorini, L.; Fuster, J.; Garcia, C.; Garcia Navarro, J.E.; Gonzalez de la Hoz, S.; Hernandez Jimenez, Y.; Higon-Rodriguez, E.; Irles Quiles, A.; Kaci, M.; Lacasta, C.; Lacuesta, V.R.; March, L.; Marti-Garcia, S.; Miñano, M.; Mitsou, V.A.; Moles-Valls, R.; Moreno Llacer, M.; Oliver Garcia, E.; Pedraza Lopez, S.; Perez Garcia-Estañ, M.T.; Romero Adam, E.; Ros, E.; Salt, J.; Sanchez Martinez, V.; Soldevila, U.; Sanchez, J.; Torro Pastor, E.; Valero, A.; Valladolid Gallego, E.; Valls Ferrer, J.A.; Villaplana Perez, M.; Vos, M. Standalone vertex finding in the ATLAS muon spectrometer 2014 Journal of Instrumentation 9 P02001 - 39pp details   doi
Gonzalez-Sevilla, S. et al; Bernabeu Verdu, J.; Civera, J.V.; Garcia, C.; Lacasta, C.; Marco, R.; Marti-Garcia, S.; Santoyo, D.; Soldevila, U. A double-sided silicon micro-strip Super-Module for the ATLAS Inner Detector upgrade in the High-Luminosity LHC 2014 Journal of Instrumentation 9 P02003 - 37pp details   doi
Pastore, A.; Davesne, D.; Navarro, J. Nuclear matter response function with a central plus tensor Landau interaction 2014 Journal of Physics G 41 055103 - 17pp details   doi
Koolen, B.B.; Vidal-Sicart, S.; Benlloch, J.M.; Olmos, R.A.V. Evaluating heterogeneity of primary tumor 18 F-FDG uptake in breast cancer with a dedicated breast PET ( MAMMI): a feasibility study based on correlation with PET/CT 2014 Nuclear Medicine Communications 35 446-452 details   doi
Herrera-Aguilar, A.; Rojas, A.D.; Santos, E. Localization of gauge fields in a tachyonic de Sitter thick braneworld 2014 European Physical Journal C 74 2770 - 6pp details   doi
Moradi, F.G. et al; Huyuk, T. Spectroscopy of the neutron-deficient N=50 nucleus Rh-95 2014 Physical Review C 89 044310 - 8pp details   doi
Adey, D. et al; Cervera-Villanueva, A.; Donini, A.; Ghosh, T.; Gomez-Cadenas, J.J.; Hernandez, P.; Izmaylov, A.; Laing, A.; Mena, O.; Sorel, M.; Stamoulis, P. Light sterile neutrino sensitivity at the nuSTORM facility 2014 Physical Review D 89 071301 - 7pp details   doi
Hernandez, P.; Kekic, M.; Lopez-Pavon, J. Low-scale seesaw models versus N-eff 2014 Physical Review D 89 073009 - 7pp details   doi
Bayar, M.; Liang, W.H.; Uchino, T.; Xiao, C.W. Description of rho(1700) as a rho Kappa(sic) system with the fixed-center approximation 2014 European Physical Journal A 50 67 - 10pp details   doi
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