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Stoppa, F., Bhattacharyya, S., Ruiz de Austri, R., Vreeswijk, P., Caron, S., Zaharijas, G., et al. (2023). AutoSourceID-Classifier Star-galaxy classification using a convolutional neural network with spatial information. Astron. Astrophys., 680, A109–16pp.
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LUX-ZEPLIN Collaboration(Akerib, D. S. et al), & Bailey, A. J. (2017). Identification of radiopure titanium for the LZ dark matter experiment and future rare event searches. Astropart Phys., 96, 1–10.
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KM3NeT Collaboration(Aiello, S. et al), Barrios-Marti, J., Calvo, D., Coleiro, A., Colomer, M., Gozzini, S. R., et al. (2019). Sensitivity of the KM3NeT/ARCA neutrino telescope to point-like neutrino sources. Astropart Phys., 111, 100–110.
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ANTARES Collaboration(Albert, A. et al), Barrios-Marti, J., Hernandez-Rey, J. J., Illuminati, G., Lotze, M., Tönnis, C., et al. (2020). Model-independent search for neutrino sources with the ANTARES neutrino telescope. Astropart Phys., 114, 35–47.
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Di Valentino, E. et al, & Mena, O. (2021). Snowmass2021-Letter of interest cosmology intertwined II: The hubble constant tension. Astropart Phys., 131, 102605–8pp.
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Di Valentino, E. et al, & Mena, O. (2021). Cosmology intertwined III: f sigma(8) and S-8. Astropart Phys., 131, 102604–6pp.
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Di Valentino, E. et al, & Mena, O. (2021). Snowmass2021-Letter of interest cosmology intertwined IV: The age of the universe and its curvature. Astropart Phys., 131, 102607–5pp.
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Di Valentino, E. et al, & Mena, O. (2021). Snowmass2021-Letter of interest cosmology intertwined I: Perspectives for the next decade. Astropart Phys., 131, 102606–4pp.
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