Silva, J. E. G., Yesiltas, O., Furtado, J., & Araujo Filho, A. A. (2024). Strain effects on the electronic properties of a graphene wormhole. Eur. Phys. J. Plus, 139(8), 762–16pp.
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Heidari, N., Hassanabadi, H., Araujo Filho, A. A., Kriz, J., Zare, S., & Porfirio, P. J. (2024). Gravitational signatures of a non-commutative stable black hole. Phys. Dark Universe, 43, 101382–13pp.
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Heidari, N., Hassanabadi, H., Araujo Filho, A. A., & Kriz, J. (2024). Exploring non-commutativity as a perturbation in the Schwarzschild black hole: quasinormal modes, scattering, and shadows. Eur. Phys. J. C, 84(6), 566–11pp.
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Araujo Filho, A. A., Zare, S., Porffrio, P. J., Kriz, J., & Hassanabadi, H. (2023). Thermodynamics and evaporation of a modified Schwarzschild black hole in a non-commutative gauge theory. Phys. Lett. B, 838, 137744–9pp.
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Araujo Filho, A. A., Reis, J. A. A. S., & Ghosh, S. (2023). Quantum gases on a torus. Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys., 20(10), 2350178–19pp.
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