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ATLAS Tile Calorimeter System(Abdallah, J. et al), Ferrer, A., Fiorini, L., Hernandez Jimenez, Y., Higon-Rodriguez, E., Ruiz-Martinez, A., et al. (2016). The Laser calibration of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter during the LHC run 1. J. Instrum., 11, T10005–29pp.
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ATLAS TRT collaboration(Mindur, B. et al), Mitsou, V. A., & Valls Ferrer, J. A. (2016). Gas gain stabilisation in the ATLAS TRT detector. J. Instrum., 11, P04027–19pp.
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Azevedo, C. D. R., Baeza, A., Chauveau, E., Corbacho, J. A., Diaz, J., Domange, J., et al. (2023). Development of a real-time tritium-in-water monitor. J. Instrum., 18(12), T12008–14pp.
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Barrio, J., Etxebeste, A., Lacasta, C., Muñoz, E., Oliver, J. F., Solaz, C., et al. (2015). Performance of VATA64HDR16 ASIC for medical physics applications based on continuous crystals and SiPMs. J. Instrum., 10, P12001–12pp.
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Bates, R. L. et al, Bernabeu Verdu, J., Civera, J. V., Gonzalez, F., Lacasta, C., & Sanchez, J. (2012). The ATLAS SCT grounding and shielding concept and implementation. J. Instrum., 7, P03005.
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Belver, D., Blanco, A., Cabanelas, P., Diaz, J., Fonte, P., Garzon, J. A., et al. (2012). Analysis of the space-time microstructure of cosmic ray air showers using the HADES RPC TOF wall. J. Instrum., 7, P10007–9pp.
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Black, K. M. et al, & Zurita, J. (2024). Muon Collider Forum report. J. Instrum., 19(2), T02015–95pp.
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BRIKEN Collaboration(Tarifeño-Saldivia, A. et al), Tain, J. L., Domingo-Pardo, C., Agramunt, J., Algora, A., Morales, A. I., et al. (2017). Conceptual design of a hybrid neutron-gamma detector for study of beta-delayed neutrons at the RIB facility of RIKEN. J. Instrum., 12, P04006–22pp.
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Brzezinski, K., Oliver, J. F., Gillam, J., Rafecas, M., Studen, A., Grkovski, M., et al. (2016). Experimental evaluation of the resolution improvement provided by a silicon PET probe. J. Instrum., 11, P09016–13pp.
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