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Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Oldengott, I.M.; Barenboim, G.; Kahlen, S.; Salvado, J.; Schwarz, D.J. How to relax the cosmological neutrino mass bound 2019 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 04 049 - 18pp
Ramirez, H.; Passaglia, S.; Motohashi, H.; Hu, W.; Mena, O. Reconciling tensor and scalar observables in G-inflation 2018 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 04 039 - 20pp
Reid, B.A. et al; de Putter, R. The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: measurements of the growth of structure and expansion rate at z=0.57 from anisotropic clustering 2012 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 426 2719-2737
Reid, B.A.; Verde, L.; Jimenez, R.; Mena, O. Robust neutrino constraints by combining low redshift observations with the CMB 2010 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 01 003 - 21pp
Sanchis-Lozano, M.A.; Melia, F.; Lopez-Corredoira, M.; Sanchis-Gual, N. Missing large-angle correlations versus even-odd point-parity imbalance in the cosmic microwave background 2022 Astronomy & Astrophysics 660 A121 - 10pp
Schiavone, T.; Montani, G.; Bombacigno, F. f(R) gravity in the Jordan frame as a paradigm for the Hubble tension 2023 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 522 L72-L77
Seo, H.J. et al; de Putter, R. Acoustic scale from the angular power spectra of SDSS-III DR8 photometric luminous galaxies 2012 Astrophysical Journal 761 13 - 16pp
Stadler, J.; Boehm, C.; Mena, O. Is it mixed dark matter or neutrino masses? 2020 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 01 039 - 18pp
Vagnozzi, S.; Di Valentino, E.; Gariazzo, S.; Melchiorri, A.; Mena, O.; Silk, J. The galaxy power spectrum take on spatial curvature and cosmic concordance 2021 Physics of the Dark Universe 33 100851 - 17pp
Vagnozzi, S.; Visinelli, L.; Mena, O.; Mota, D.F. Do we have any hope of detecting scattering between dark energy and baryons through cosmology? 2020 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 493 1139-1152