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Author (up) Arbelaez, C.; Dib, C.; Monsalvez-Pozo, K.; Schmidt, I.
Title Quasi-Dirac neutrinos in the linear seesaw model Type Journal Article
Year 2021 Publication Journal of High Energy Physics Abbreviated Journal J. High Energy Phys.
Volume 07 Issue 7 Pages 154 - 22pp
Keywords Beyond Standard Model; Neutrino Physics
Abstract We implement a minimal linear seesaw model (LSM) for addressing the Quasi-Dirac (QD) behaviour of heavy neutrinos, focusing on the mass regime of M-N less than or similar to M-W. Here we show that for relatively low neutrino masses, covering the few GeV range, the same-sign to opposite-sign dilepton ratio, R-ll, can be anywhere between 0 and 1, thus signaling a Quasi-Dirac regime. Particular values of R-ll are controlled by the width of the QD neutrino and its mass splitting, the latter being equal to the light-neutrino mass m(nu) in the LSM scenario. The current upper bound on m(nu 1) together with the projected sensitivities of current and future |U-N l|(2) experimental measurements, set stringent constraints on our low-scale QD mass regime. Some experimental prospects of testing the model by LHC displaced vertex searches are also discussed.
Address [Arbelaez, Carolina; Dib, Claudio; Schmidt, Ivan] Univ Tecn Federico Santa Maria, Ave Espana 1680, Valparaiso, Chile, Email: carolina.arbelaez@usm.cl;
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Springer Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 1029-8479 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes WOS:000677622200005 Approved no
Is ISI yes International Collaboration yes
Call Number IFIC @ pastor @ Serial 4930
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