PT Journal AU Lopez-Honorez, L Mena, O Rigolin, S TI Biases on cosmological parameters by general relativity effects SO Physical Review D JI Phys. Rev. D PY 2012 BP 023511 EP 12pp VL 85 IS 2 DI 10.1103/PhysRevD.85.023511 LA English AB General relativistic corrections to the galaxy power spectrum appearing at the horizon scale, if neglected, may induce biases on the measured values of the cosmological parameters. In this paper, we study the impact of general relativistic effects on non standard cosmologies such as scenarios with a time dependent dark energy equation of state, with a coupling between the dark energy and the dark matter fluids or with non-Gaussianities. We then explore whether general relativistic corrections affect future constraints on cosmological parameters in the case of a constant dark energy equation of state and of non-Gaussianities. We find that relativistic corrections on the power spectrum are not expected to affect the foreseen errors on the cosmological parameters nor to induce large biases on them. ER