PT Journal AU Olmo, GJ TI Palatini actions and quantum gravity phenomenology SO Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics JI J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. PY 2011 BP 018 EP 15pp VL 10 IS 10 DI 10.1088/1475-7516/2011/10/018 LA English DE quantum gravity phenomenology; cosmic singularity AB We show that an invariant an universal length scale can be consistently introduced in a generally covariant theory through the gravitational sector using the Palatini approach. The resulting theory is able to capture different aspects of quantum gravity phenomenology in a single framework. In particular, it is found that in this theory field excitations propagating with different energy-densities perceive different background metrics, which is a fundamental characteristic of the DSR and Rainbow Gravity approaches. We illustrate these properties with a particular gravitational model and explicitly show how the soccer ball problem is avoided in this framework. The isotropic and anisotropic cosmologies of this model also avoid the big bang singularity by means of a big bounce. ER