PT Journal AU Perez-Ramos, R Mathieu, V Sanchis-Lozano, MA TI Three-particle correlations in QCD jets and beyond SO Journal of Physics G JI J. Phys. G PY 2011 BP 115007 EP 34pp VL 38 IS 11 DI 10.1088/0954-3899/38/11/115007 LA English AB In this paper, we present a detailed study of three-particle correlations in quark and gluon jets. We give theoretical results for this observable in the double logarithmic approximation and the modified leading logarithmic approximation. In both resummation schemes, we use the formalism of the generating functional and solve the evolution equations analytically from the steepest descent evaluation of the one-particle distribution. In addition, in this paper we include predictions beyond the limiting spectrum approximation and study this observable near the hump of the single inclusive distribution. We thus provide a further test of the local parton hadron duality and make predictions for the LHC. The computation of higher rank correlators is presented in the double logarithmic approximation and shown to be rather cumbersome. ER