PT Journal AU Martins, A da Mota, AF Stanford, C Contreras, T Martin-Albo, J Kish, A Escobar, CO Para, A Guenette, R TI Simple strategy for the simulation of axially symmetric large-area metasurfaces SO Journal of the Optical Society of America B JI J. Opt. Soc. Am. B PY 2024 BP 1261 EP 1269 VL 41 IS 5 DI 10.1364/JOSAB.510725 LA English AB Metalenses are composed of nanostructures for focusing light and have been widely explored in many exciting applications. However, their expanding dimensions pose simulation challenges. We propose a method to simulate metalenses in a timely manner using vectorial wave and ray tracing models. We sample the metalens's radial phase gradient and locally approximate the phase profile by a linear phase response. Each sampling point is modeled as a binary blazed grating, employing the chosen nanostructure, to build a transfer function set. The metalens transmission or reflection is then obtained by applying the corresponding transfer function to the incoming field on the regions surrounding each sampling point. Fourier optics is used to calculate the scattered fields under arbitrary illumination for the vectorial wave method, and a Monte Carlo algorithm is used in the ray tracing formalism. We validated our method against finite -difference time domain simulations at 632 nm, and we were able to simulate metalenses larger than 3000 wavelengths in diameter on a personal computer. ER