PT Journal AU Barenboim, G Calatayud-Cadenillas, AM Gago, AM Ternes, CA TI Quantum decoherence effects on precision measurements at DUNE and T2HK SO Physics Letters B JI Phys. Lett. B PY 2024 BP 138626 - 11pp VL 852 DI 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138626 LA English AB We investigate the potential impact of neutrino quantum decoherence on the precision measurements of standard neutrino oscillation parameters in the DUNE and T2HK experiments. We show that the measurement of delta(CP), sin(2) theta(13) and sin(2) theta(23) is stronger effected in DUNE than in T2HK. On the other hand, DUNE would have a better sensitivity than T2HK to observe decoherence effects. By performing a combined analysis of DUNE and T2HK we show that a robust measurement of standard parameters would be possible, which is not guaranteed with DUNE data alone. ER