PT Journal AU Santos, ACL Muniz, CR Maluf, RV TI Yang-Mills Casimir wormholes in D=2+1 SO Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics JI J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. PY 2023 BP 022 EP 24pp VL 09 IS 9 DI 10.1088/1475-7516/2023/09/022 LA English DE Wormholes; Exact solutions; black holes and black hole thermodynamics in GR and beyond; gravity AB This work presents new three-dimensional traversable wormhole solutions sourced by the Casimir density and pressures related to the quantum vacuum fluctuations in Yang-Mills (Y-M) theory. We begin by analyzing the noninteracting Y-M Casimir wormholes, initially considering an arbitrary state parameter omega and determine a simple constant wormhole shape function. Next, we introduce a new methodology for deforming the state parameter to find well-behaved redshift functions. The wormhole can be interpreted as a legitimate Casimir wormhole with an expected average state parameter of omega = 2. Then, we investigate the wormhole curvature properties, energy conditions, and stability. Furthermore, we discover a novel family of traversable wormhole solutions sourced by the quantum vacuum fluctuations of interacting Yang-Mills fields with a more complex shape function. Deforming the effective state parameter similarly, we obtain well-behaved redshift functions and traversable wormhole solutions. Finally, we examine the energy conditions and stability of solutions in the interacting scenario and compare to the noninteracting case. ER