PT Journal AU Karan, A Sadhukhan, S Valle, JWF TI Phenomenological profile of scotogenic fermionic dark matter SO Journal of High Energy Physics JI J. High Energy Phys. PY 2023 BP 185 EP 34pp VL 12 IS 12 DI 10.1007/JHEP12(2023)185 LA English DE Particle Nature of Dark Matter; Models for Dark Matter; Neutrino Interactions AB We consider the possibility that neutrino masses arise from the exchange of dark matter states. We examine in detail the phenomenology of fermionic dark matter in the singlet-triplet scotogenic model. We explore the case of singlet-like fermionic dark matter, taking into account all coannihilation effects relevant for determining its relic abundance, such as fermion-fermion and scalar-fermion coannihilation. Although this in principle allows for dark matter below 60 GeV, the latter is in conflict with charged lepton flavour violation (cLFV) and/or collider physics constraints. We examine the prospects for direct dark matter detection in upcoming experiments up to 10 TeV. Fermion-scalar coannihilation is needed to obtain viable fermionic dark matter in the 60-100 GeV mass range. Fermion-fermion and fermion-scalar coannihilation play complementary roles in different parameter regions above 100 GeV. ER