PT Journal AU Maluf, RV Olmo, GJ TI Vacuum polarization and induced Maxwell and Kalb-Ramond effective action in very special relativity SO Physical Review D JI Phys. Rev. D PY 2023 BP 095022 EP 13pp VL 108 IS 9 DI 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.095022 LA English AB This work investigates the implications of very special relativity (VSR) on the calculation of vacuum polarization for fermions in the presence of Maxwell and Kalb-Ramond gauge fields in four-dimensional spacetime. We derive the SIM(2)-covariant gauge theory associated with an Abelian antisymmetric twotensor and its corresponding field strength. We demonstrate that the free VSR-Kalb-Ramond electrodynamics is equivalent to a massive scalar field with a single polarization. Furthermore, we determine an explicit expression for the effective action involving Maxwell and Kalb-Ramond fields due to fermionic vacuum polarization at one-loop order. The quantum corrections generate divergences free of nonlocal terms only in the VSR-Maxwell sector. At the same time, we observe UV/IR mixing divergences due to the entanglement of VSR-nonlocal effects with quantum higher-derivative terms for the Kalb-Ramond field. However, in the lower energy limit, the effective action can be renormalized like in the Lorentz invariant case. ER