PT Journal AU De Romeri, V Giunti, C Stuttard, T Ternes, CA TI Neutrino oscillation bounds on quantum decoherence SO Journal of High Energy Physics JI J. High Energy Phys. PY 2023 BP 097 EP 24pp VL 09 IS 9 DI 10.1007/JHEP09(2023)097 LA English DE Non-Standard Neutrino Properties; Specific BSM Phenomenology; Neutrino Mixing AB We consider quantum-decoherence effects in neutrino oscillation data. Working in the open quantum system framework we adopt a phenomenological approach that allows to parameterize the energy dependence of the decoherence effects. We consider several phenomenological models. We analyze data from the reactor experiments RENO, Daya Bay and KamLAND and from the accelerator experiments NOvA, MINOS/MINOS+ and T2K. We obtain updated constraints on the decoherence parameters quantifying the strength of damping effects, which can be as low as Gamma ij less than or similar to 8 x 10-27 GeV at 90% confidence level in some cases. We also present sensitivities for the future facilities DUNE and JUNO. ER