PT Journal AU Karuseichyk, I Sorelli, G Walschaers, M Treps, N Gessner, M TI Resolving mutually-coherent point sources of light with arbitrary statistics SO Physical Review Research JI Phys. Rev. Res. PY 2022 BP 043010 EP 11pp VL 4 IS 4 DI 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.043010 LA English AB We analyze the problem of resolving two mutually coherent point sources with arbitrary quantum statistics, mutual phase, and relative and absolute intensity. We use a sensitivity measure based on the method of moments and compare direct imaging with spatial-mode demultiplexing (SPADE), analytically proving advantage of the latter. We show that the moment-based sensitivity of SPADE saturates the quantum Fisher information for all known cases, even for non-Gaussian states of the sources. ER