PT Journal AU Folgado, MG Sanz, V TI Exploring the political pulse of a country using data science tools SO Journal of Computational Social Science JI J. Comput. Soc. Sci. PY 2022 BP 987 EP 1000 VL 5 DI 10.1007/s42001-021-00157-1 LA English DE Politics; Spain; Sentiment analysis; Artificial Intelligence; Machine learning; Neural networks; Natural Language Processing (NLP) AB In this paper we illustrate the use of Data Science techniques to analyse complex human communication. In particular, we consider tweets from leaders of political parties as a dynamical proxy to political programmes and ideas. We also study the temporal evolution of their contents as a reaction to specific events. We analyse levels of positive and negative sentiment in the tweets using new tools adapted to social media. We also train a Fully-Connected Neural Network (FCNN) to recognise the political affiliation of a tweet. The FCNN is able to predict the origin of the tweet with a precision in the range of 71-75%, and the political leaning (left or right) with a precision of around 90%. This study is meant to be viewed as an example of how to use Twitter data and different types of Data Science tools for a political analysis. ER