PT Journal AU Kuhn, Kea Nacher, E TI Experimental study of the nature of the 1(-) and 2(-) excited excited states in Be-10 using the Be-11(p, d) reaction in inverse kinematics SO Physical Review C JI Phys. Rev. C PY 2021 BP 044601 EP 10pp VL 104 IS 4 DI 10.1103/PhysRevC.104.044601 LA English AB The nature of the 1(-) and 2(-) excited states in Be-10 is studied using the Be-11(p, d) transfer reaction in inverse kinematics at 10A MeV at TRIUMF ISAC-II, in particular to assess whether either of them can be considered as an excited halo state. The angular distributions for both states are extracted using deuteron-gamma( )coincidences and analyzed using a transfer model taking into account one-step and two-step processes. A good fit of the angular distributions is obtained considering only the one-step process, whereby an inner p(3/2) neutron of Be-11 is removed, leaving the halo neutron intact. Higher-order processes however cannot be rejected. The small spectroscopic factors extracted suggest that the structure of both states is not uniquely halo-like, but rather display a more complex configuration mixing cluster and halo structures. Further insights are limited, as this experiment specifically probed the halo-like (but not cluster-like) Be-11 (1/2(+)) circle times (nu p(3/2))(-1) configuration in both states. ER