PT Journal AU Han, C Lopez-IbaƱez, ML Melis, A Vives, O Yang, JM TI Anomaly-free leptophilic axionlike particle and its flavor violating tests SO Physical Review D JI Phys. Rev. D PY 2021 BP 035028 EP 7pp VL 103 IS 3 DI 10.1103/PhysRevD.103.035028 LA English AB Motivated by the recent Xenon1T result, we study a leptophilic flavor-dependent anomaly-free axionlike particle (ALP) and its effects on charged-lepton flavor violation. We present two representative models. The first one considers that the ALP origins from the flavon that generates the charged-lepton masses. The second model assumes a larger flavor symmetry such that more general mixings in the charged-lepton are possible, while maintaining flavor-dependent ALP couplings. We find that a keV ALP explaining the Xenon1T result is still viable for lepton flavor violation and stellar cooling astrophysical limits. On the other hand, if the Xenon1T result is confirmed, future charged-lepton flavor violation measurements can be complementary to probe such a possibility. ER