PT Journal AU Caputo, A Liu, HW Mishra-Sharma, S Ruderman, JT TI Modeling dark photon oscillations in our inhomogeneous Universe SO Physical Review D JI Phys. Rev. D PY 2020 BP 103533 EP 26pp VL 102 IS 10 DI 10.1103/PhysRevD.102.103533 LA English AB A dark photon may kinetically mix with the Standard Model photon, leading to observable cosmological signatures. The mixing is resonantly enhanced when the dark photon mass matches the primordial plasma frequency, which depends sensitively on the underlying spatial distribution of electrons. Crucially, inhomogeneities in this distribution can have a significant impact on the nature of resonant conversions. We develop and describe, for the first time, a general analytic formalism to treat resonant oscillations in the presence of inhomogeneities. Our formalism follows from the theory of level crossings of random fields and only requires knowledge of the one-point probability density function (PDF) of the underlying electron number density fluctuations. We validate our formalism using simulations and illustrate the photon-to-dark photon conversion probability for several different choices of PDFs that are used to characterize the low-redshift Universe. ER