PT Journal AU Ferreiro, A Navarro-Salas, J Pla, S TI R-summed form of adiabatic expansions in curved spacetime SO Physical Review D JI Phys. Rev. D PY 2020 BP 105011 EP 12pp VL 101 IS 10 DI 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.105011 LA English AB The Feynman propagator in curved spacetime admits an asymptotic (Schwinger-DeWitt) series expansion in derivatives of the metric. Remarkably, all terms in the series containing the Ricci scalar R can be summed exactly. We show that this (nonperturbative) property of the Schwinger-DeWitt series has a natural and equivalent counterpart in the adiabatic (Parker-Fulling) series expansion of the scalar modes in an homogeneous cosmological spacetime. The equivalence between both R-summed adiabatic expansions can be further extended when a background scalar field is also present. ER