PT Journal AU Bonilla, C Centelles Chulia, S Cepedello, R Peinado, E Srivastava, R TI Dark matter stability and Dirac neutrinos using only standard model symmetries SO Physical Review D JI Phys. Rev. D PY 2020 BP 033011 EP 5pp VL 101 IS 3 DI 10.1103/PhysRevD.101.033011 LA English AB We provide a generic framework to obtain stable dark matter along with naturally small Dirac neutrino masses generated at the loop level. This is achieved through the spontaneous breaking of the global U(1)(B-L) symmetry already present in the standard model. The U(1)(B-L) symmetry is broken down to a residual even Z(n) (n >= 4) subgroup. The residual Z(n) symmetry simultaneously guarantees dark matter stability and protects the Dirac nature of neutrinos. The U(1)(B-L) symmetry in our setup is anomaly free and can also be gauged in a straightforward way. Finally, we present an explicit example using our framework to show the idea in action. ER