PT Journal AU Papoulias, DK Kosmas, TS Sahu, R Kota, VKB Hota, M TI Constraining nuclear physics parameters with current and future COHERENT data SO Physics Letters B JI Phys. Lett. B PY 2020 BP 135133 EP 9pp VL 800 DI 10.1016/j.physletb.2019.135133 LA English DE Coherent neutrino elastic neutrino-nucleus; scattering; COHERENT experiment; Deformed shell model; Weak neutron form factors AB Motivated by the recent observation of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CE nu NS) at the COHERENT experiment, our goal is to explore its potential in probing important nuclear structure parameters. We show that the recent COHERENT data offers unique opportunities to investigate the neutron nuclear form factor. Our present calculations are based on the deformed Shell Model (DSM) method which leads to a better fit of the recent CE nu NS data, as compared to known phenomenological form factors such as the Helm-type, symmetrized Fermi and Klein-Nystrand. The attainable sensitivities and the prospects of improvement during the next phase of the COHERENT experiment are also considered and analyzed in the framework of two upgrade scenarios. ER